St.Hallvards IF
Final League, Final League
Entrenador: Mosmoa
A view of the season's opponents

A new season in the Final League starts on Friday afternoon and The Halvard Courier hat a talk with the manager of  "The Pride of Oslo".

What is the goal for this season Mr.Mosmoa?

- We are aiming for promotion this season, we have a good enough team to manage it, but we are of course dependent on the lads following the game plan in every single match, and performing to the maximum of their level.

How satisfied are you with the league setup?
- A fantastic setup for us. We get to meet old classic teams and some new ones that we have never played against before, but this is going to be great for our fans, since we are playing so many games in the UK.

Can you give us an ever so small description of this year's opponents?

We can start with Block 72 from Herefordshire in England. The team promoted last season, we have played against these Brits as late as 2020, and have a positive statistic against them. They have a very strong defensive, but have their weaknesses in midfield.

Boischaut R.C is actually the first French team we ever play against. The team is from Paris, they have previously played in the Final League, and has a very strong team. Weakness in attack, but heavy shot in midfield.

The Bollarna from Darlington in England have become an ever so small nightmare opponent for us, we have won 3 and lost 6 matches against them. A very strong team without weaknesses.

Branksome Boot Boys is also from Darlington in England, and is a new opponent for us. Maybe not one of the biggest favorites to be at the top, but on good days they can beat everyone. Moved up from 3rd division last season.

Real Roo is from Manchester in England. We have never played against them before. Won the 3rd division last year, and has had a forward-looking success. Debuts at this level and becomes an outsider.

Sparta Red Star from Nottinghamshire in England. We have played against this team a number of times and have a positive statistic against them. The team is in a generational change, but is still fit.

The Mighty Tigers from Eastfold in Norway, will be our opponent in the derby matches this season. They have had an adventurous positive development, but had to take the heavy step down from the 1st division last season. We usually always lose against this Norwegian team, but this season we basically have a much stronger team than them.

We wish St.Hallvard good luck with this year's season

2021-03-16 23:22 1145 Vistas Reportero: TonyBrazil

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