Wallace Peake

Midfielder , 33 years

Team: Thanos
The player has no yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Xpert League 16 20(10) 15(9) 8(5) 7(4) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 4(1) 0(0)
Total - 337(132) 191(124) 118(73) 73(51) 0(0) 10(4) 0(0) 44(1) 1(0)


Top scorers 8 goals Xpert League Xpert League 71
Most points 9 points Xpert League Xpert League 71
Most assists 5 assists Division 2d Xpert League 69
Top scorers 6 goals Division 3h Xpert League 67
Most points 6 points Division 3h Xpert League 67
Most points 9 points Division 3h Xpert League 66


Times injured: 10
Days injured: 92
DateDays Match report
2024-04-16 1 SV Donau Wien - Thanos
2024-03-26 15 Thanos - Matchstick Men
2023-10-20 26 Heystley United - Thanos
2023-09-05 3 Thanos - Giant Pandas
2023-06-13 1 TimboTruppe Deluxe - Thanos
2023-05-09 4 Thanos - Moderate Koalas
2023-04-21 15 Wild Aces - Thanos
2022-10-14 13 NK Umjetno - Thanos
2021-02-23 10 Thanos - Stirlingshire
2020-07-24 4 Missing

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