Filimon Zecheru

Midfielder , 38 years

Team: atletico C P
The player has 1 yellow card

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 5:8 8 9(1) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Total - 357(119) 94(55) 49(29) 45(26) 2(1) 92(25) 4(1) 22(1) 0(0)


Most sending offs 1 red cards Division 5:14 Xpert League 71
Top scorers 6 goals Division 6:40 Xpert League 70
Most bookings 4 yellow cards Division 6:40 Xpert League 70
Most sending offs 1 red cards Division 2d Xpert League 66
Most bookings 6 yellow cards Xpert League Xpert League 63
Most bookings 4 yellow cards Division 2b Xpert League 59
Most bookings 4 yellow cards Division 2b Xpert League 58
Most bookings 6 yellow cards Division 3d Xpert League 57
Most bookings 4 yellow cards Division 3b Xpert League 56
Most sending offs 1 red cards Division 3b Xpert League 55
Most bookings 3 yellow cards Division 3b Xpert League 55


Times injured: 24
Days injured: 199
DateDays Match report
2024-01-23 21 Missing
2023-10-24 4 Missing
2023-08-08 4 atletico C P - Eastland Kickers
2023-07-14 24 atletico C P - New Year Partyfreaks
2023-06-13 4 atletico C P - FC Brothers
2022-12-13 13 Banter Bhoys FC - atletico C P
2022-11-29 15 atletico C P - Kids Picture Show
2021-09-03 4 Leverpöl - atletico C P
2021-07-13 24 Moderate Koalas - atletico C P
2021-05-11 9 atletico C P - Thanos
2021-02-16 1 FC Farul Constanta - atletico C P
2021-02-02 10 atletico C P - Ramshackle Glory
2020-11-24 4 atletico C P - FC 1994
2020-10-16 4 Missing
2020-10-02 4 Homeless FCG - atletico C P
2020-05-19 11 atletico C P - Ballesterer
2020-04-14 4 Monsters Co. - atletico C P
2020-02-21 14 Missing
2019-12-24 2 ASDEC FOOT - atletico C P
2019-08-13 4 Aschersleber Raben - atletico C P
2019-03-26 4 Missing
2019-01-22 3 atletico C P - Talibananas FC
2018-10-15 8 Missing
2018-09-11 4 atletico C P - Real Halmia

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