Joueurs Partis

Joueurs toujours agissant qui sont vendus aux autres clubs
Alf McInally 18 M
2024-05-14 Riverland F.A 3 247 700
Gandalf Nilsson 18 M
2024-05-14 Altea Rio Motive 324 300
Tommy Dobie 18 M
2024-05-14 Gnomeregan Exiles 1 945 000
Lionel Bagshaw 18 M
2024-04-13 FC Manastireni 565 900
Kawa Sarzil 17 A
2024-03-22 BK Viken 391 200
Udo Egonsson 19 A
2024-03-07 FC Peaky Blinders 829 300
Jack Lynot 19 D
2024-02-18 PwPaPoo 1 609 300
Bryan Tucker 27 M
2024-02-11 Fefan United 8 826 000
Jabbar Solari 28 A
2024-02-11 A Xara FC 8 006 100
Tarek Rojawa 20 G
2024-02-10 Los Malditos FC 143 500
Cristiano Liverani 27 D
2024-02-07 Groznyj W.L. 12 599 900
Darin Sharif 26 D
2024-02-07 UP FC 8 443 000
Hoshyar Biji 28 M
2024-02-07 Morton X11 7 523 900
Gregor Waddle 26 M
2024-02-07 Espada 9 455 300
Pang Guo Man 25 D
2024-02-05 Armata Ultra 13 543 000
Taishi Kasai 27 D
2024-02-03 N.M.A 9 219 100
Dersim Rashmati 21 A
2024-02-03 Muse 6 298 400
Sarmad Ali 22 D
2024-02-03 Prashtia 14 694 800
Jaime Tomkins 29 G
2024-02-03 Sinosaga Auto 8 642 200
René von Fersen 29 M
2024-02-01 House Targaryan 15 636 600
Benny Norman 20 M
2024-01-30 Unathletic Goats 407 400
Seth Southall 27 M
2024-01-30 S and M Club 11 7 208 600
Georgios Velis 28 M
2024-01-30 Bezaina Futebol Clube 4 865 600
Victor Allman 29 A
2023-12-03 Ashrak FC 879 200
Soheil Rajabi 21 G
2023-10-17 Preludium 01 4 075 900
Klavier Kelban 27 D
2023-10-17 S and M Club 11 9 285 800
Ludvig Ölmestrand 23 M
2023-10-17 Machico 7 068 300
Bonde Windrup 28 A
2023-10-17 Boing Boing Albion 6 616 500
Zico dos Santos 22 A
2023-09-07 OLSC Finland 1 632 800
Honer Sami 18 D
2023-08-17 Juggernauts 781 800
Shwana Kerpan 22 D
2023-07-04 The Utes 2 648 600
Chale Kurdostani 22 M
2023-07-04 Boca Vapors 13 193 300
Howie Hargreaves 27 D
2023-05-13 Jämjö GoIF 10 714 300
Mark Spring 21 M
2023-04-26 Barcelona FC 439 200
Fahmi Shahi 19 D
2023-04-20 SPORTING C P B 5 280 800
Abdel Baralla 25 D
2023-04-01 Lokomotiv Chrille 8 029 600
Zara Xoshnaw 26 M
2023-03-26 Chelsham 6 601 000
Humphrey Billington 24 A
2023-03-26 Norax F.C. 7 230 000
Arsenio Billingham 27 A
2023-03-21 Buckie Thistle 3 668 500
Mikil Bonett 28 D
2023-03-21 Resilient Tubbies 9 877 100
Honda Power 24 G
2023-03-21 The Pepsi Rabbits 2 814 100
Samir Rebari 24 D
2022-12-07 South Bermondsey 8 333 400
Chya Sindy 22 M
2022-12-07 pokémon 340 300
Ivan Cortez 24 A
2022-12-06 South Bermondsey 3 258 100
Soran Karkuki 22 A
2022-11-08 Univ. Cluj 342 900
Juan Cristóbal Raña 25 D
2022-08-24 Die Krausen 11 9 637 200
Hovsep Manooshian 27 A
2022-06-16 C D CUERVA 2 679 000
Namich Malbandi 26 D
2022-05-11 Terras do Demo F.C. 2 213 700
Reno Alterio 27 D
2022-05-11 Rasrisk IF 2 813 700
Quieto Tarantino 26 D
2022-05-10 Os Cruzados 2 011 400
Marcus Samuels 28 G
2022-05-10 Belford 2 876 200
Gregor Routledge 25 A
2022-03-19 Mourão FC 389 500
Cosmin Cioran 28 D
2022-01-29 Better Than Life RD 5 366 700
Rod Gardner 27 A
2022-01-25 Douchebags 14 785 800
Peli Olaran 28 D
2021-10-16 Örebro SK 1 672 100
Duane Bull 28 M
2021-10-15 Dulwich Dynamo 4 219 900
Relja Desnica 26 M
2021-08-27 Spartak Nimlo 232 300
Randjel Koncarevic 26 D
2021-07-23 liverpool97 2 631 600
Emanuel Cubillo 29 M
2021-06-29 Brighton United 2 444 600
Michel Davis 30 D
2021-06-29 Groznyj W.L. 3 214 500
Herbert Delbert 30 M
2021-06-29 IP Elite 294 100
Laurentiu Simulescu 30 D
2021-06-29 Maaalmö FF 1 728 100
Fearchar Breen 32 M
2021-05-07 Huddersfield FC 4 233 300
Andy Kerry 30 M
2021-05-07 Forza Azzurra CJ 9 817 400
Jaime Fox 34 A
2021-05-03 Liverpool New Skool 8 974 000
Diarmuid Fermanagh 37 G
2021-05-03 toca nenes fc 7 582 900
Murphy Corr 30 D
2020-12-01 Folklore Flamenco 715 400
Jason Keelan 30 D
2020-10-19 jara team 710 200
Johnny Casey 35 M
2019-10-08 besiktas 2 978 700

Joueurs qui ont quitté le club
2024-05-14 Alf McInally 18 M
2 728 068 Vendu
2024-05-14 Tommy Dobie 18 M
1 633 800 Vendu
2024-05-14 Gandalf Nilsson 18 M
272 412 Vendu
2024-04-13 Lionel Bagshaw 18 M
475 356 Vendu
2024-03-22 Kawa Sarzil 17 A
328 608 Vendu
2024-03-07 Udo Egonsson 18 A
696 612 Vendu
2024-02-18 Jack Lynot 18 D
1 351 812 Vendu
2024-02-11 Bryan Tucker 26 M
7 413 840 Vendu
2024-02-11 Jabbar Solari 27 A
6 725 124 Vendu
2024-02-10 Tarek Rojawa 19 G
120 540 Vendu
2024-02-07 Cristiano Liverani 26 D
10 583 916 Vendu
2024-02-07 Hoshyar Biji 27 M
6 320 076 Vendu
2024-02-07 Darin Sharif 25 D
7 092 120 Vendu
2024-02-07 Gregor Waddle 25 M
7 942 452 Vendu
2024-02-05 Pang Guo Man 25 D
11 376 120 Vendu
2024-02-03 Taishi Kasai 26 D
7 744 044 Vendu
2024-02-03 Dersim Rashmati 20 A
5 290 656 Vendu
2024-02-03 Sarmad Ali 21 D
12 343 632 Vendu
2024-02-03 Jaime Tomkins 28 G
7 259 448 Vendu
2024-02-01 René von Fersen 28 M
13 134 744 Vendu
2024-01-31 Rezan Soranian 18 D
0 Licencié
2024-01-30 Seth Southall 26 M
6 055 224 Vendu
2024-01-30 Georgios Velis 27 M
4 087 104 Vendu
2024-01-30 Benny Norman 19 M
342 216 Vendu
2023-12-03 Victor Allman 27 A
738 528 Vendu
2023-10-17 Soheil Rajabi 19 G
3 423 756 Vendu
2023-10-17 Bonde Windrup 26 A
5 557 860 Vendu
2023-10-17 Klavier Kelban 25 D
7 800 072 Vendu
2023-10-17 Ludvig Ölmestrand 21 M
5 937 372 Vendu
2023-09-07 Zico dos Santos 19 A
1 371 552 Vendu
2023-08-17 Honer Sami 16 D
656 712 Vendu
2023-07-04 Shwana Kerpan 19 D
2 224 824 Vendu
2023-07-04 Chale Kurdostani 19 M
11 082 372 Vendu
2023-05-13 Howie Hargreaves 23 D
9 000 012 Vendu
2023-04-26 Mark Spring 17 M
368 928 Vendu
2023-04-20 Fahmi Shahi 16 D
4 435 872 Vendu
2023-04-01 Abdel Baralla 21 D
6 744 864 Vendu
2023-03-26 Zara Xoshnaw 22 M
5 544 840 Vendu
2023-03-26 Humphrey Billington 20 A
6 073 200 Vendu
2023-03-21 Arsenio Billingham 23 A
3 081 540 Vendu
2023-03-21 Mikil Bonett 24 D
8 296 764 Vendu
2023-03-21 Honda Power 20 G
2 363 844 Vendu
2022-12-19 Hama Issa 17 D
0 Licencié
2022-12-07 Samir Rebari 19 D
7 000 056 Vendu
2022-12-07 Chya Sindy 17 M
285 852 Vendu
2022-12-06 Ivan Cortez 19 A
2 736 804 Vendu
2022-11-08 Soran Karkuki 17 A
288 036 Vendu
2022-08-24 Juan Cristóbal Raña 19 D
8 095 248 Vendu
2022-06-16 Hovsep Manooshian 21 A
2 250 360 Vendu
2022-05-11 Reno Alterio 20 D
2 363 508 Vendu
2022-05-11 Namich Malbandi 20 D
1 859 508 Vendu
2022-05-10 Marcus Samuels 21 G
2 416 008 Vendu
2022-05-10 Quieto Tarantino 19 D
1 689 576 Vendu
2022-04-05 Hazhar Hosseini 16 A
0 Licencié
2022-03-19 Gregor Routledge 18 A
327 180 Vendu
2022-01-31 Suhaizam Maon 18 A
0 Licencié
2022-01-29 Cosmin Cioran 20 D
4 508 028 Vendu
2022-01-25 Rod Gardner 19 A
12 420 072 Vendu
2021-12-13 Fereidon Sagbab 18 M
46 872 Vendu
2021-12-06 Tarek Mohamadi 18 G
0 Licencié
2021-10-16 Peli Olaran 19 D
1 404 564 Vendu
2021-10-15 Duane Bull 19 M
3 544 716 Vendu
2021-08-27 Relja Desnica 18 M
195 132 Vendu
2021-07-30 Falid Alamasy 18 M
0 Licencié
2021-07-23 Randjel Koncarevic 17 D
2 210 544 Vendu
2021-06-29 Emanuel Cubillo 19 M
2 053 464 Vendu
2021-06-29 Michel Davis 20 D
2 700 180 Vendu
2021-06-29 Laurentiu Simulescu 20 D
1 451 604 Vendu
2021-06-29 Herbert Delbert 20 M
247 044 Vendu
2021-06-26 Fike Sharaf 19 D
0 Licencié
2021-06-25 Boine Törngren 18 D
0 Licencié
2021-06-25 Carl Carlton 18 G
0 Licencié
2021-05-11 Ismail Ouhaki 17 M
0 Licencié
2021-05-11 Liam Mouatt 17 D
0 Licencié
2021-05-07 Fearchar Breen 22 M
3 555 972 Vendu
2021-05-07 Andy Kerry 20 M
8 246 616 Vendu
2021-05-07 Patrick Clare 23 D
7 958 748 Vendu
2021-05-07 Collins Maxwell 33 D
1 631 616 Vendu
2021-05-06 Drazen Mirosavljevic 17 A
0 Licencié
2021-05-06 Bartholomew Hosmann 19 M
0 Licencié
2021-05-03 Fionn Dunn 27 D
4 779 264 Vendu
2021-05-03 Jaime Fox 23 A
7 538 160 Vendu
2021-05-03 Shea Morrison 28 A
2 583 168 Vendu
2021-05-03 Diarmuid Fermanagh 26 G
6 369 636 Vendu
2021-05-02 Brendan Pearce 32 M
1 132 068 Vendu
2021-04-29 Fionntán MacMuirt 30 D
3 916 248 Vendu
2021-04-29 Gary Cullaghan 30 M
4 433 940 Vendu
2021-04-29 Felim Guinness 33 M
1 026 312 Vendu
2021-04-29 Lenny McInns 26 M
5 789 112 Vendu
2021-04-26 Stephen McClennon 34 A
0 Licencié
2021-04-20 Kenny Annerstedt 20 A
134 064 Vendu
2021-04-20 Crofton Neaves 25 D
457 464 Vendu
2021-03-24 Marwan Kalaga 18 G
0 Licencié
2021-01-23 Sam Donegal 35 M
2 431 800 Vendu
2021-01-23 Sam Cathán 35 A
688 548 Vendu
2021-01-23 Daly McAleese 35 D
1 704 948 Vendu
2021-01-08 Kent-Arne Ärlig 26 G
7 000 056 Vendu
2020-12-01 Murphy Corr 18 D
600 936 Vendu
2020-10-19 Jason Keelan 18 D
596 568 Vendu
2020-07-30 Conall Shaun 18 M
0 Licencié
2020-07-25 Joey Green 17 M
610 848 Vendu
2020-01-17 Daly Ennis 37 D
0 Quitter
2019-10-16 Aiden Galwey 18 D
81 648 Vendu
2019-10-08 Johnny Casey 19 M
2 502 108 Vendu
2019-09-19 Cillín Callans 18 D
0 Licencié
2019-09-19 Fionnbharr Corcoran 16 D
0 Licencié
2019-06-26 Alastar Keelan 20 D
816 648 Vendu
2019-06-26 Isaac Macahan 19 M
40 068 Vendu
2019-06-21 Rórdán Shea 37 G
0 Quitter
2019-05-05 Seoirse Thordarsson 35 M
1 175 832 Vendu
2019-03-08 Rorie Mulligan 39 D
0 Quitter
2018-11-27 Mick McGuiness 20 M
797 076 Vendu
2018-11-27 Colmán Corr 19 G
2 000 460 Vendu
2018-11-27 Jaime Harris 24 D
535 920 Vendu
2018-11-23 Hugo Magnusson 37 D
0 Quitter
2018-11-11 Fionntán Green 21 G
0 Licencié
2018-09-15 Collins Sheehy 33 M
3 681 048 Vendu
2018-07-28 Naoise Hewson 19 M
0 Licencié
2018-07-28 Colm Dingle 20 A
0 Licencié
2018-06-16 Shane Carr 17 D
60 816 Vendu
2018-05-26 Cillian Madden 22 D
3 785 460 Vendu
2018-05-01 Fredrik Fermanagh 18 M
356 244 Vendu
2018-02-08 Keane Mahoney 19 A
330 120 Vendu
2017-12-04 Brogan Boland 33 D
2 630 040 Vendu
2017-11-29 Eddie Gavin 33 A
2 256 576 Vendu
2017-10-07 Caoimhín Hogan 29 G
1 743 504 Vendu
2017-09-29 Alvito Bispos 36 M
0 Quitter
2017-08-01 Gréagóir Brennan 18 D
373 548 Vendu
2017-06-09 Fergal Cobh 18 A
0 Licencié
2017-05-20 Ray Kielty 16 A
2 214 576 Vendu
2017-03-08 Séanan Coad 18 A
62 580 Vendu
2017-03-03 Giorgio Catini 35 A
0 Quitter
2016-11-28 Shawn O´Leary 19 D
594 132 Vendu
2016-11-23 Dick Stepney 18 M
247 800 Vendu
2016-11-23 Pat Claffey 21 D
7 009 632 Vendu
2016-11-16 Augusto Pintos 34 M
0 Licencié
2016-07-24 Justin Brown 18 M
0 Licencié
2016-07-24 Benny Kavanagh 18 M
0 Licencié
2016-04-22 Steve Bull 37 D
0 Quitter
2016-04-08 Gallagher Davidsson 18 A
0 Licencié
2016-02-14 Nevan Robertson 21 M
364 056 Vendu
2016-01-21 Teige Carr 20 D
1 692 264 Vendu
2016-01-12 Andrew Sullivan 18 A
869 652 Vendu
2016-01-01 Kevan Thordarsson 17 M
0 Licencié
2015-12-26 Eoin O´Brien 20 A
0 Licencié
2015-10-26 Emmet Lunny 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2015-09-29 Fionn McNamara 20 D
1 474 200 Vendu
2015-09-25 Evaristo Avilês 36 M
0 Quitter
2015-08-29 Lorcán Ahern 21 M
0 Licencié
2015-08-29 Desmond Thorsteinsson 19 D
0 Licencié
2015-08-08 Nigel Gavin 18 M
230 244 Vendu
2015-06-17 Darren Dun Laoghaire 18 A
63 672 Vendu
2015-06-12 Juan Román Caviedes 35 M
0 Quitter
2015-03-20 Christopher Collins 19 A
82 068 Vendu
2015-03-20 Donal Dun Laoghaire 20 D
82 068 Vendu
2015-01-12 Erskine Stepney 19 A
2 564 100 Vendu
2014-12-11 Ashley Holland 21 D
10 807 104 Vendu
2014-12-02 Dougal Redmond 19 D
868 224 Vendu
2014-11-28 Risteárd Connell 19 A
254 772 Vendu
2014-11-12 Luke Ahern 20 A
0 Licencié
2014-10-30 Noel Kildare 19 M
0 Licencié
2014-10-30 Willie Gartland 19 M
0 Licencié
2014-10-09 Colum McClennon 20 D
0 Licencié
2014-09-08 Kian McEnroe 18 A
396 312 Vendu
2014-08-01 Thomas Adelsteinsson 33 M
0 Quitter
2014-08-01 Piero Totti 39 G
0 Quitter
2014-05-30 Bryan Mohan 18 A
392 448 Vendu
2014-04-18 Lourenço Ferrão 35 A
0 Quitter
2014-04-18 Martin Montgomery 37 D
0 Quitter
2014-04-04 Aindréas Boru 18 D
0 Licencié
2014-03-05 Conall Coad 19 M
373 968 Vendu
2014-01-21 Andy Fermanagh 19 D
449 736 Vendu
2014-01-16 Oisin Giles 18 M
2 576 112 Vendu
2014-01-11 Jimmy Stout 18 D
136 836 Vendu
2014-01-03 Valdemar Granstedt 35 D
0 Quitter
2013-09-26 Thomas Carsley 19 G
124 320 Vendu
2013-09-24 Julian Gillespie 21 D
2 426 172 Vendu
2013-09-05 Ross Bree 18 G
40 068 Vendu
2013-07-31 Hugo Magnusson 22 G
141 372 Vendu
2013-07-30 Chris O´Callaghan 20 A
0 Licencié
2013-07-18 Coleman Lynot 18 M
0 Licencié
2013-06-27 Andrew Ward 18 D
494 340 Vendu
2013-06-12 Liam Casey 17 M
1 684 452 Vendu
2013-06-07 Tom Koivasto 35 M
0 Quitter
2013-03-09 Klaes Elfström 33 M
4 690 224 Vendu
2013-03-09 Enzio Servidei 36 D
2 502 612 Vendu
2013-03-09 Ruadhán Moore 18 M
100 044 Vendu
2013-02-24 Fergal Galvin 19 D
40 068 Vendu
2013-02-20 Favio Gerniti 35 A
2 217 852 Vendu
2013-02-20 Christopher Whyte 18 D
150 864 Vendu
2013-01-16 Fionn Breen 18 M
0 Licencié
2012-11-18 Christopher Rourke 17 A
147 840 Vendu
2012-11-06 Ludvig Martinson 36 M
2 422 224 Vendu
2012-11-06 Antonello Centurioni 33 D
1 669 752 Vendu
2012-08-19 Vukan Djindjic 19 D
941 304 Vendu
2012-07-26 Yoshinobu Hiroshima 34 M
2 070 936 Vendu
2012-07-26 Greg Fazackerley 22 G
7 448 700 Vendu
2012-07-20 Gavino Strada 36 A
0 Quitter
2012-04-06 Ulivo Gazzoli 36 D
0 Quitter
2012-03-20 Toni Köhne 19 D
0 Licencié
2011-12-23 Carl-Bertil Granbom 35 M
0 Quitter
2011-11-30 Alphonse Makanaki 16 A
789 180 Vendu
2011-10-15 Sorele Bahoken 18 A
5 450 004 Vendu
2011-08-14 Albin Mahler 18 M
2 696 064 Vendu
2011-07-02 Humberto Levrero 30 G
3 818 052 Vendu
2011-05-11 Chico Redero 18 G
5 100 060 Vendu
2011-03-03 Frits Burg 17 D
1 574 076 Vendu
2011-02-17 Luca Ayala 33 D
6 012 048 Vendu
2011-01-23 Dodin de Campos 26 G
708 036 Vendu
2010-12-18 Demetrio Pavone 18 G
201 936 Vendu
2010-12-14 Lucio Macellari 19 G
0 Licencié
2010-11-12 Amadeo Sbrizzo 17 G
1 344 924 Vendu
2010-11-11 Marcelo Passolini 31 M
6 877 248 Vendu
2010-11-02 Paulo Mussi 23 A
7 513 800 Vendu
2010-10-08 Vico Buriani 20 G
0 Licencié
2010-09-18 Augusto Buffon 19 G
0 Licencié
2010-08-20 Martino Ricci 18 G
418 572 Vendu
2010-08-08 Ignazio Tambellini 20 A
0 Licencié
2010-08-03 Ferdinando Beghetto 20 A
1 545 936 Vendu
2010-07-29 Pierluigi Belleri 21 A
6 468 000 Vendu
2010-06-23 Aksel Kass 30 M
7 606 452 Vendu
2010-06-23 Bartley Staunton 31 G
9 453 864 Vendu
2009-12-23 Uso Silvestri 30 A
8 902 989 Vendu
2009-12-02 Augusto Nardini 30 M
8 400 000 Vendu
2009-11-06 Orlando Rossitto 31 D
5 460 000 Vendu
2009-05-25 Matthew Shamrock 31 M
4 402 860 Vendu
2008-10-08 Elba Corrado 29 A
7 683 732 Vendu
2008-07-27 Stefano Arno 28 M
7 289 352 Vendu
2008-07-25 Angelino Montella 19 D
1 196 664 Vendu
2008-07-18 Prokopis Atmatsidis 29 D
0 Licencié
2008-05-29 John Payton 31 A
2 849 112 Vendu
2008-04-11 Pietro Colle 20 D
5 880 000 Vendu
2008-02-24 Galtem Bernini 31 D
2 268 000 Vendu
2008-01-20 Tommy Prete 24 G
16 800 000 Vendu
2008-01-17 Christian Ferri 33 M
0 Licencié
2007-09-22 Fausto Di Matteo 32 D
1 679 999 Vendu
2007-09-01 Alfeo Belleri 20 A
0 Licencié
2007-05-28 Claudio Mozzini 18 A
185 700 Vendu
2007-05-19 Giorgio D´Angelo 26 M
502 300 Vendu
2007-05-14 Ramo Brevi 19 A
290 800 Vendu
2007-05-04 Raimondo Pecchia 27 G
543 900 Vendu
2007-04-04 Gualtiero Nappi 17 M
192 100 Vendu
2007-03-01 Emesto Rimedio 18 M
204 200 Vendu
2007-02-10 Salvatorio Barasso 19 M
91 100 Vendu
2007-01-19 Ambrogio Maccarone 31 M
182 800 Vendu
2007-01-06 Gianpaolo Arcadio 19 M
328 500 Vendu
2006-12-03 Caracario Lanotte 18 A
331 900 Vendu
2006-11-24 Arsenio Pessotto 17 M
239 500 Vendu
2006-11-11 Bernado Santoruvo 29 D
884 400 Vendu
2006-11-08 Georgio Firmani 18 G
280 400 Vendu
2006-11-08 Elpidio Cappioli 22 G
741 800 Vendu
2006-10-20 Demetrio Pellegrini 20 A
0 Quitter
2006-10-05 Giuseppe Iorio 19 M
491 500 Vendu
2006-09-02 Uberto Sinagra 28 D
460 100 Vendu
2006-09-02 Mauri Savoldi 17 D
773 300 Vendu
2006-08-28 Matteo Galeoto 17 M
152 900 Vendu
2006-07-26 Alessio Belardi 17 A
117 800 Vendu
2006-07-08 Giancarlo Lamonica 27 A
674 700 Vendu
2006-07-07 Savino Serao 33 D
0 Quitter
2006-07-07 Olaf Kildal 30 D
0 Quitter
2006-05-25 Lanzo Vercetti 26 G
463 100 Vendu
2006-05-22 Nari Del Grosso 27 G
205 900 Vendu
2006-05-01 Vitale Ottofaro 28 D
897 800 Vendu
2006-02-17 Tomas Calacone 29 M
258 500 Vendu
2006-02-12 Ako Haffla 32 M
0 Licencié
2006-02-12 Davide Ferarri 31 G
0 Licencié
2006-01-24 Michele Lambrughi 26 A
679 000 Vendu
2006-01-07 Cesare Locatelli 25 A
2 024 000 Vendu
2006-01-07 Marciano Laurentini 24 M
1 371 100 Vendu
2005-12-21 Fabiano Diano 27 M
156 000 Vendu
2005-12-16 Wadek Leszczynski 27 M
244 500 Vendu
2005-12-06 Antonio Bondi 30 M
239 200 Vendu
2005-12-03 Ugo Marchionni 34 A
160 500 Vendu
2005-11-30 Pippino Aglietti 32 D
282 800 Vendu

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