Time to pass the ball
The following is a personal statement from Iwe, who is one of the co-founders of Xpert Eleven.


Xpert Eleven is now a great football manager game that I'm really proud of, being one of the founders. There are of course still things that I think could be improved and nothing is ever perfect. But I feel that, in order for Xpert Eleven to prosper and live up to its potential, new blood is needed with all the fresh ambitions and engagements and competences that would bring. Ducks and I have been running Xpert Eleven since the start in 2003. But we feel that we are unable to take Xpert Eleven further even though we still see a great potential. We have given Xpert Eleven everything we can, but now it is best for both Xpert Eleven and us to separate. But we would never be able to leave Xpert Eleven unless we felt we could leave it in good hands. After all Xpert Eleven is our baby that we have cared for while it has grown big. And now it is time for us to let go even if it is heartbreaking and a little scary. But we do think we have found great successors that has the competences and resources that we have been lacking to take Xpert Eleven further. We feel confident that they will take care of Xpert Eleven in the absolute best way.

The successors are mainly represented by Fredddd, who started to play Xpert Eleven in 2004. He has also been a quite respectable manager on the site, almost reaching the Hall of Fame when he lost the final in Xpert Champions League XII against Skultorp United. We have had a lot of contact personally with Fredddd over the years and he has often expressed the desire to become a part-owner in Xpert Eleven. It has never resulted in anything in the past. But this year, when he approached us, he presented a great plan for Xpert Eleven that made us realize that it would be best for Xpert Eleven if he and his team could take over. So Ducks, Mrcode and I will now step down and no longer be part of the X11 Crew. We will still stay on the site though and play the game. But we will no longer be employed. Wayne will stay in the X11 Crew and handle administration and support at Xpert Eleven besides being a developer.

It is of course not the easiest thing to take over a big site and community like Xpert Eleven. But Ducks and I will stand by and help out whenever it is needed for a long time. There will probably not be any major immediate changes noticeable at Xpert Eleven and it will take a little while for the new owners to get the grip of everything. But there are lot of energy and engagement among the new owners and I am certain they will be able to do a lot of great things for Xpert Eleven.

I don't see this as a goodbye as I still will be around and probably be able to concentrate more on playing the game than ever before. On Monday morning there will be a minor update of the site and I will then just be a regular manager just like anyone else on the site. Fredddd will then make his first statement on Xpert Daily and present himself.

I would also like to take the opportunity to thanks everyone on the site for making it possible for me to have one of the best jobs ever for more than 8(!) years. Now I'm just excited to see the future for Xpert Eleven from the back seat.

Long live Xpert Eleven! :)
Best regards

2011-11-18 15:16 2408 Pogledi iwe

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