Sporting Sakura FC
Division 6:50, The Xpert Ladies
Entrenador: Jbgk24
A Fresh Start: A Chance to "Bloom" Anew
Sporting Sakura FC Press Release | Monday, February 3, 2025

This past weekend, papers were signed officially transferring club ownership of "Pretty Ladies"  to Sporting Sakura FC. In this deal, Sporting Sakura opted to absorb the previous club and push to start with a blank slate.

With this move, the club also decided to pick up long-time manager Jbgk24 to lead the squad for the upcoming season in Division 6:50. Jbgk24 has had a long history as a manager, including a 6-year tenure with now defunct club Strikers FC in the Master League. After several brief stints with several clubs in 2020 and disappearing from the X11 scene for many years, Jbgk24 has returned and is determined to lead this club into a new era of success.

When asked for comment, Jbgk24 said,

"I am excited to start fresh with Sporting Sakura this season. This is a great opportunity to establish connections with the players while re-establishing a thriving youth development system. Our academy is not where we need it to be. Especially if we plan on building a title contending team. Victory takes all of us; the players, the front office, and the fans. Success starts with laying the foundation and planting the seeds. We have to invest in our homegrown talent, this will be key to building a lasting dynasty in the years to come."

The club also hopes to unveil their new kits for Season 75 before their home opener on February 4. They have been created especially for the inaugural season but final approval has yet to arrive. The club is greatly anticipating their arrival to share with the public, including their loyal fans.

With the upcoming season just around the corner, Jbgk24 is working to get the squad ready for the season opener. In the short term, the path ahead is likely to be difficult. But in the first few seasons, planting the seeds and incremental growth is the primary focus. The club is optimistic that being methodical and going about things the right way will only benefit the club in the long term as they look to develop a winning brand and bloom into a perennial title contender on the pitch in the seasons to come. 

2025-02-03 11:06 20 Vistas Reportero: TonyBrazil

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