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White Swans
Division 2c
The Xpert Ladies
New Swans Regime Introduced
Following the departure of TonyBrazil, White Swans have a new managerial hierarchy at the helm for the first time since 2015.
Capsule Social have taken on the club after the Xpert hierarchy deemed them the right outfit for the job. Speaking to WhiteSwansTV new Chief Content Officer Tom Owen was full of praise for the outgoing TonyBrazil, and full of optimism for the future.
"There is no doubt that the supporters will have been upset with what has unfolded over the past week. Tony is a great manager and you don't get to where he has in the game without being exactly that.
"Does that bring added pressure? Sure. But it's something we are going to thrive in. Over the past year the CapsuleSocial brand has really stepped up across the Xpert World and the drive to continue that path is more prevalent than ever. I would like to assure supporters we won't be undoing the work and trying to reinvent the wheel. This project is definitely more evolution over revolution, and the manager we choose to install here will embody all of the qualities that match that vision.
"We will be sitting down and planning meticulously how we go about this journey and we aren't going to take many risks for the first couple of seasons. There has to be an aim to inject some talented youth into the squad whilst we have the quality of the experienced players at the club.
"It's a proud moment for CapsuleSocial, and one that will bring joy to the club for many seasons."
To honour the former manager, CapsuleSocial's first game in charge of White Swans will be a friendly visit to TonyBrazil's new side Lupa Capitolina with Swans fans encouraged to purchase tickets early to avoid missing out on the momentous occasion.
2025-01-22 18:00
32 Pogledi
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