Boros Barmy Army
Division 6:7, Xpert League
Treinador: Dazzler1703
Phillips called up, but why?
Curtis Phillips has been drafted up to the first team in time for their game tonight against Young Boys FC

The 19 year old has been shining in the youth squad, so why is it time to bring him into the big time? Is it a coincidence they are playing a team called Young Boys??

"Curtis has been great for the youth team, he's led them well and has really stood out. I thought it's time to bring him through so he can learn off Eastwood and Sæmundsson. Fair that he was a big fish in a small pond and will now have to adapt to being the small fish in a big pond but I feel he has the skills and attributes to slot straight in. I don't think he'll be like a fish out of water, pardon the pun," said manager Dazzler1703 in the pre game press conference.

We asked Curtis Phillips for a few words after their last pre game preparations about how he feels being called up, "I'm over the moon. There are lot of young lads who are now in the first team, mostly signed in, but they are shining. Everyone's development value is high and I'm hoping mine will be the same. I won't have the full season like the other lads but I'm excited by getting in there and contributing to the success we are building this year, but I will be very nervous, it's a big game to go into".

Boro are unbeaten this year but the all gas, no brakes mentality is proving successful for them. With FC Loosers closely behind, they definitely need to keep this run of form going, otherwise they may turn their rivals into FC Winners!

2024-11-13 13:56 30 Visitas Jornalista: TonyBrazil

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