Borgis FC
Division 4j, Xtreme League
Manageri: Adam_Moran
Borgis and the Chocolate Banana Starfish

It may sound like the name of a new fantasy story but it is in fact the perfect summary of Borgis FC's recent run of games in the Xtreme League Cup which has seen them march into the sixth round against all the odds.

After a surprising 0-0 draw in the first leg of the 4th round tie against FC Chocolate Starfishes at the Borgis Arena, the writing appeared to be on the wall for the unbeaten Division 1b leaders to put Borgis to the sword and end their short, but impressive, cup run. 

However, some heroic performances on the back of some inspired tactics meant that a memorable upset for the ages was recorded. 

What's more impressive is that this wasn't some smash and grab. Borgis dominated the chances 3-1 with Ivan Bittencourt and Severin Einarsson clinically scoring two unanswered goals to send Borgis through.

Borgis manager Adam Moran said the result was one of his best at the club.

"I've been here a while now and we've had some amazing nights over the years but I have to say that win tonight was up there with the best of them. To play a team far superior, a team that will likely be battling it out in the top division next season and to nil them over two legs and go through, it's astonishing. The lads were simply incredible."

But the remarkable results don't end there. Borgis were handed a fifth round tie with a familiar foe in Bananer i Pyjamas, a team they were recently going toe-to-toe with in the top flight. While both teams are undergoing a rebuild, Bananer have retained more of their higher skilled players meaning this would be another difficult match for Borgis. 

Both teams fancied themselves, which made for an entertaining spectacle with many chances at both ends. Borgis had legendary all-round defender Pista Csabai between the sticks once again in what was his 390th appearance for the club. Remarkably, Csabai played up front for Borgis just days earlier in the 4-2 league defeat against Tsavo West End and scored two goals. And now here he was saving chance after chance like a young Gianluigi Buffon. 

As the game petered into extra-time with neither side breaking the deadlock, it appeared that Csabai may have to face his first penalty shootout. 

But he didn't need to worry. Young striker Thomas Schwartz, a 60th minute substitute for Payton Davenport, scored a long-range beauty one minute into extra-time to seal another awe-inspiring result.

"Wow", said Moran afterwards. "What a performance! That's nine games in the cup this season and we're yet to concede a goal. What is going on? I think we can go all the way!"

You can't blame Moran for thinking big given their results, especially when you add in the fact that some huge names have exited the competition, including the reigning champions Vårberg Maple Leafs. But in the next round, Borgis will meet the highest seed remaining in Southpaw Marvelous (6). Given the differences in squad strength, another win for Borgis appears unthinkable.

2024-10-14 14:29 52 Luettu Reportteri: TonyBrazil

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