Tour de France
Xtreme League, Xtreme League
Manager: Blu3red
Poor form
In the last 6 games we made 4 draws and lost 2 games, we are unfortunately passing through a very, very bad stretch of form. Even though we outchanced our opponents 14 to 8, we only managed to score 1 time and received 3 goals. We also had 3 disallowed goals. In all 6 games we had decent tactics, some even great - MOTR in the 4th round of the cup for example. But it was simply not great enough for winning.

Win bonuses were always 1 mil, so our opponents couldn't have offered more than us. Always had the better GK, even 2 or 3 skill more than the opponents and they didn't really play great efficiency formations either. Not a knock on our opponents by any means, we played against good teams with good tactics, but we were definitely unlucky as well. After a lot of success it was a tough reminder that this game also has a percentage of chance ingrained in it. Sometimes we are favored, sometimes not. We are 6 points off the leaders and out of the cup, so our only objective remains to raise our youths and do well in XCL, as next season we will probably not be there.

This poor run could mean the real end for Tour de France, but I still think the team can win something next season. We will see.

2024-10-12 01:58 1135 Vizualizari Reporter: TonyBrazil

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