Bought players

2025-01-30 Severi Rauttu 17 MF
126 700
2024-10-03 Martinho Durão 18 GK
2023-12-25 Christian Beckford 17 D
1 751 200
2023-08-05 Ted Sahlgren 17 MF
745 400
2023-07-29 Matty Pinnock 17 F
747 000
2022-11-23 Jakob Volkmer 22 GK
422 900
2022-11-20 Miron Paraschiveanu 17 MF
292 000
2022-03-26 Hamilton Winfield 17 D
1 302 300
2021-09-16 Ture Edström 17 D
1 034 800
2021-05-17 Teodoro Couceiro 17 MF
2021-03-14 Richard Milton 17 D
58 000
2020-11-06 Horacio Páez 17 MF
595 300
2020-07-03 Yoshimi Nakatani 17 D
1 163 500
2020-07-02 Jimmy Komse 17 F
678 600
2020-04-28 Brad Williamson 17 MF
502 400

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