Monty Darlington

Midfielder , 31 years

Team: Rastafar IS
The player has no yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 2b 15 20(8) 14(6) 8(4) 6(2) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 2(0) 0(0)
Total - 260(70) 149(37) 75(22) 74(15) 1(0) 17(6) 2(0) 42(0) 4(0)


Most assists 6 assists Division 3c Xpert League 72
Most points 9 points Division 3c Xpert League 72
Most sending offs 1 red cards Division 3c Xpert League 72
Most assists 5 assists Division 4e Xpert League 71
Most assists 11 assists Division 6:13 Xpert League 67


Times injured: 8
Days injured: 57
DateDays Match report
2024-03-29 3 Los Angeles de Benke - Rastafar IS
2023-08-11 14 Preludium 01 - Rastafar IS
2023-03-14 3 Rastafar IS - Pitbull Mr Worldwide FC
2022-08-02 7 Missing
2022-05-03 9 C.D. Nazare - Rastafar IS
2021-09-07 16 Räkodlarnas BK - Rastafar IS
2021-06-15 2 Missing
2021-03-19 3 Missing

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