Artur Ragnell

Midfielder , 33 years

Team: hoffenheim
The player has no yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 4d 10 7(4) 1(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) 3(1) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Total - 236(49) 143(17) 54(9) 89(8) 0(0) 46(10) 2(0) 19(0) 0(0)

Previous clubs
Mackis FF 3 0 0 86 2020-05-19 01:25 419 100 econ


Most assists 9 assists Division 5:10 Master League 65
Most points 15 points Division 5:10 Master League 65
Most bookings 5 yellow cards Division 6:49 Master League 61
Most assists 13 assists Division 6:36 Master League 58
Most assists 12 assists Division 6:36 Master League 56
Most sending offs 2 red cards Division 6:37 Master League 53
Most bookings 7 yellow cards Division 6:37 Master League 53


Times injured: 5
Days injured: 35
DateDays Match report
2023-03-05 2 hoffenheim - Sparta SC
2022-12-29 17 Missing
2022-12-22 3 Missing
2022-07-31 3 hoffenheim - Tivvy Terriers
2020-11-29 10 Missing

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