Nils-Gunnar Brundin

Forward , 32 years

Team: Error 404
The player has 1 yellow card

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 3c 17 10(4) 1(1) 1(1) 0(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Total - 293(102) 117(61) 90(47) 27(14) 2(0) 24(10) 2(1) 35(0) 1(0)


Most sending offs 1 red cards Division 3d Xpert League 72
Top scorers 6 goals Division 3d Xpert League 72
MVP 12 Xpert Elevens Division 2b Xpert League 71


Times injured: 10
Days injured: 69
DateDays Match report
2024-02-20 4 Bolas FC - Error 404
2023-12-12 14 Error 404 - London F.C
2023-08-29 3 Error 404 - Tivoli Millers
2023-06-20 10 Error 404 - Tennis Forces
2023-01-20 10 Gwernfadog United - Error 404
2022-11-08 4 Moderate Koalas - Error 404
2022-10-25 3 Error 404 - MC Aston Villa
2022-09-06 4 FC Hundarna - Error 404
2021-10-05 3 Error 404 - Bajen Avalanche
2021-07-20 14 Tivoli Millers - Error 404

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