Kent-Arne Antonelius

Midfielder , 34 years

Team: Ravenstones FC
The player has 1 yellow card

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 4i 16 5(2) 3(2) 2(1) 1(1) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) 2(0) 0(0)
Total - 194(62) 81(33) 45(19) 36(14) 1(0) 20(8) 0(0) 37(0) 2(0)

Previous clubs
Arsenal Young Guns 103 17 16 549 2021-07-27 01:25 11 836 000 econ
Folklore Flamenco 11 2 3 112 2020-01-25 09:17 10 113 600 econ


Most assists 4 assists Division 4i Euro League 72
MVP 8 Xpert Elevens Division 4i Euro League 72


Times injured: 10
Days injured: 39
DateDays Match report
2024-01-11 4 Ravenstones FC - The Harry Wraggs
2023-10-19 2 Dollis Globetrotters - Ravenstones FC
2023-08-21 14 Young Dreamers - Ravenstones FC
2023-04-06 2 Ravenstones FC - Alba Gu Bràth
2023-01-26 4 Ravenstones FC - Dempton United
2022-03-21 3 Ravenstones FC - Luqa St.Andrews
2021-01-21 4 Missing
2020-12-31 2 Arsenal Young Guns - Hoppys Heroes FC
2020-09-10 2 Gorton St Marks - Arsenal Young Guns
2019-12-31 2 Bajen Avalanche - Folklore Flamenco

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