Ryce Caster

Midfielder , 35 years

Team: Thors Thunders
The player has 2 yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 4g 10 12(5) 8(2) 3(0) 5(2) 0(0) 2(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Total - 238(65) 133(53) 67(27) 66(26) 0(0) 12(3) 0(0) 6(0) 0(0)


Most assists 10 assists Division 5:14 Power League 64
Most assists 9 assists Division 5:16 Power League 63
Most points 19 points Division 5:16 Power League 63


Times injured: 9
Days injured: 80
DateDays Match report
2024-06-23 4 Aiguillon FC - Thors Thunders
2024-06-09 2 Thors Thunders - Cool Kids FC
2023-07-27 13 Porto City - Thors Thunders
2023-06-01 13 Celta Masoul - Thors Thunders
2023-01-12 4 Grey Ghosts - Thors Thunders
2022-09-22 26 Thors Thunders - Tobium Fc
2022-02-13 11 Missing
2021-11-28 4 Fabril Deportivo - Thors Thunders
2021-03-04 3 County Cobras - Thors Thunders

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