Emma Funk

Midfielder , 31 years

Team: Brahma Ladies
The player has no yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Season 72 Division 4d 15 20(6) 8(3) 7(3) 1(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 3(0) 0(0)
Total - 226(82) 97(39) 56(24) 41(15) 0(0) 12(6) 0(0) 8(0) 0(0)


Most points 9 points Division 4d The Xpert Ladies 70
Top scorers 6 goals Division 4d The Xpert Ladies 70
Most points 8 points Division 3b The Xpert Ladies 67
Most assists 3 assists Division 3b The Xpert Ladies 67


Times injured: 11
Days injured: 41
DateDays Match report
2024-04-09 4 Brahma Ladies - Oostende Sea-Maidens
2024-02-03 9 Zombie Queens - Brahma Ladies
2023-09-19 1 AIK Bejbs - Brahma Ladies
2023-07-25 2 Rangers FC - Brahma Ladies
2022-11-26 4 Brahma Ladies - The Modern Lepers
2022-11-12 4 GAI Ladies FC - Brahma Ladies
2022-09-20 3 Ansvarsfulla Divor - Brahma Ladies
2022-03-29 6 Brahma Ladies - Nytt lag
2021-08-24 1 Southwesthampton - Brahma Ladies
2021-05-22 3 FC KLAWS F - Brahma Ladies
2021-05-08 4 TOLAS SCP - Brahma Ladies

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