Plejers Migjubin

Plejers li ghadhom attivi mibjughin lil klabbs ohra
Constantin Mandiuc 33 D
2024-05-20 SV Viktoria Vohwinkel 4 315 800
Pär Albjelke 31 GK
2024-05-18 Naxxar Lions 12 291 000
Ovidiu Negrut 32 D
2024-05-14 Kramers Koalor FC 4 949 400
Edmundo Pratas 32 MF
2024-05-14 AC Assassins 4 896 800
Aluísio Sagitário 31 MF
2024-05-14 Majestic Longshots 8 625 400
Daniel-Armand Kome 31 F
2024-05-14 TodoLáDentro TEAM 7 787 400
Tim Koningen 31 MF
2024-03-21 Rioderogo 5 814 900
Jake Gray 20 D
2024-03-17 SPORTING C P B 7 325 300
Kyle Sellers 18 D
2023-11-18 Blue Dragon Team 12 096 900
Luther Rigby 20 D
2023-10-22 flame 59 200
Alec Clevan 19 F
2023-09-27 Whitchurch Rovers 167 700
Fahroni Abate 19 F
2023-08-28 Hakuna Juan Mata 2 047 600
Vince Thistleton 19 MF
2023-08-18 Bombers 12 032 800
Dick Holt 20 MF
2023-07-29 Kamara Kamara 6 506 000
Ronald Rundqvist 23 F
2023-07-09 House of the Dragon 47 700
Rudy Wisgerhof 26 D
2023-07-06 FC Jaegarinhos 9 871 700
Kelsey Hackett 21 D
2023-06-08 Battersea Albion 48 700
Noel Culkin 32 D
2023-03-21 Chathair Corcaigh FC 7 748 000
Julian Pickford 21 MF
2023-02-20 Racing Armchair 4 558 700
Tomas Gaye 23 MF
2023-02-10 Offside BK 329 000
Thommy Garner 23 MF
2022-12-06 Douchebags 1 428 600
Jimi Chapple 23 MF
2022-09-21 Morrowind 8 322 500
Alphonse Petre 26 F
2022-08-23 FC Bottenskrap 2 500 400
Petrut Atanase 27 MF
2022-05-13 Breaking the baskets 5 562 000
Kieran West 24 F
2022-04-19 Ishigaki FC 779 300
Drew Gaskin 25 F
2022-03-30 Sabah FA 2 556 600
Carlton Langebrunner 25 F
2022-03-14 Hounsfield Unit CF 1 000 800
Colby Helmsley 25 F
2022-03-02 Tiger IF 929 800
Kelsey Brunton 26 F
2022-01-26 London F.C 917 900
Rob Gotterson 25 F
2022-01-01 Los Magos 802 200
Anthony van Menen 31 F
2021-10-12 Liverpool Cluj 12 551 900
Walter Hale 28 MF
2021-09-08 Munktown City 1 310 400
Zach Kirkby 27 MF
2021-08-21 Ætlético Ænima 250 600
Derrick Gallen 27 MF
2021-08-06 Benfas 2 513 300
Viriato Durães 31 GK
2021-06-29 Chipper FC 3 274 700
Marcus Meyes 28 F
2021-04-08 el grabbos 97 700
Eliot Maley 28 F
2021-03-27 Ashfield FC 1 027 600
Linford Breckin 30 MF
2021-03-16 Black Dragons 132 600
Joe Culverton 28 F
2020-12-18 FC Jokers 8 519 500
Salvador Moniz 35 D
2020-05-10 Canela até ao pescoço 12 844 000
Brian Beeton 32 F
2020-01-02 Berk FK 331 800
Terry Adam 33 F
2019-10-22 Fryston Warriors 329 300
Winston Dahmer 33 MF
2019-07-21 THE GHOSTERS 2 002 200
Lewis Bennet 35 MF
2019-07-20 Lost in the Woods 47 700
Allan Henry 33 MF
2019-06-27 FC Pasmatersi 15 824 400
Alan Entwhistle 35 MF
2019-02-19 Balley Cashtal 7 890 500
Tom Aalbæk Pedersen 38 D
2018-11-27 Talibananas FC 2 866 700
Lionel Acker 36 MF
2018-10-26 Yoldas FC 1 340 500
Edmond Headon 38 MF
2018-10-08 F2F MADRID 89 900

Plejers li hallew lill-klabb
2024-05-20 Constantin Mandiuc 33 D
3 625 272 Mibjugh
2024-05-18 Pär Albjelke 31 GK
10 324 440 Mibjugh
2024-05-18 Joseph Beard 20 F
0 Imkecci
2024-05-14 Ovidiu Negrut 32 D
4 157 496 Mibjugh
2024-05-14 Edmundo Pratas 32 MF
4 113 312 Mibjugh
2024-05-14 Aluísio Sagitário 31 MF
7 245 336 Mibjugh
2024-05-14 Daniel-Armand Kome 31 F
6 541 416 Mibjugh
2024-03-21 Tim Koningen 31 MF
4 884 516 Mibjugh
2024-03-17 Jake Gray 19 D
6 153 252 Mibjugh
2023-11-18 Kyle Sellers 17 D
10 161 396 Mibjugh
2023-10-22 Luther Rigby 18 D
49 728 Mibjugh
2023-09-27 Alec Clevan 17 F
140 868 Mibjugh
2023-08-28 Fahroni Abate 17 F
1 719 984 Mibjugh
2023-08-18 Vince Thistleton 16 MF
10 107 552 Mibjugh
2023-07-29 Dick Holt 17 MF
5 465 040 Mibjugh
2023-07-09 Ronald Rundqvist 20 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2023-07-06 Rudy Wisgerhof 23 D
8 292 228 Mibjugh
2023-06-08 Kelsey Hackett 18 D
40 908 Mibjugh
2023-03-21 Noel Culkin 28 D
6 508 320 Mibjugh
2023-02-20 Julian Pickford 17 MF
3 829 308 Mibjugh
2023-02-10 Tomas Gaye 18 MF
276 360 Mibjugh
2022-12-06 Thommy Garner 18 MF
1 200 024 Mibjugh
2022-09-21 Jimi Chapple 17 MF
6 990 900 Mibjugh
2022-08-23 Alphonse Petre 21 F
2 100 336 Mibjugh
2022-08-16 Chris McNall 19 F
0 Imkecci
2022-05-13 Petrut Atanase 20 MF
4 672 080 Mibjugh
2022-04-19 Kieran West 17 F
654 612 Mibjugh
2022-03-30 Drew Gaskin 18 F
2 147 544 Mibjugh
2022-03-14 Carlton Langebrunner 18 F
840 672 Mibjugh
2022-03-02 Colby Helmsley 18 F
781 032 Mibjugh
2022-01-26 Kelsey Brunton 18 F
771 036 Mibjugh
2022-01-01 Rob Gotterson 17 F
673 848 Mibjugh
2021-10-12 Anthony van Menen 22 F
10 543 596 Mibjugh
2021-09-08 Walter Hale 18 MF
1 100 736 Mibjugh
2021-08-21 Zach Kirkby 18 MF
210 504 Mibjugh
2021-08-06 Derrick Gallen 17 MF
2 111 172 Mibjugh
2021-06-29 Viriato Durães 21 GK
2 750 748 Mibjugh
2021-06-25 Kelsey Sidwell 39 MF
0 Spicca
2021-06-25 Thomas Färnefors 37 D
0 Spicca
2021-05-28 Dominic Rincewind 18 MF
315 756 Mibjugh
2021-04-08 Marcus Meyes 17 F
82 068 Mibjugh
2021-03-27 Eliot Maley 17 F
863 184 Mibjugh
2021-03-16 Linford Breckin 19 MF
111 384 Mibjugh
2020-12-18 Joe Culverton 16 F
7 156 380 Mibjugh
2020-11-27 David Quintino 37 D
0 Spicca
2020-11-14 Kris Casey 18 F
0 Imkecci
2020-08-22 Carlino Lamonica 31 GK
5 555 592 Mibjugh
2020-08-14 Leopoldo Piedade 37 F
0 Spicca
2020-06-06 Alvim Silvério 32 MF
3 051 132 Mibjugh
2020-05-18 Lucas Enroth 32 F
1 663 116 Mibjugh
2020-05-15 Tomasz Broniewicz 28 MF
12 365 304 Mibjugh
2020-05-14 Errol Fjellborg 34 D
460 068 Mibjugh
2020-05-13 Sabino Aveiro 31 MF
3 784 368 Mibjugh
2020-05-10 Antão Fevereiro 27 D
9 222 276 Mibjugh
2020-05-10 Salvador Moniz 22 D
10 788 960 Mibjugh
2020-05-06 Alvim Carvalhais 21 F
4 224 024 Mibjugh
2020-05-01 Ralf Rhodin 35 MF
0 Spicca
2020-01-31 Jessy Verstraeten 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2020-01-21 Halvar Normell 24 D
5 000 016 Mibjugh
2020-01-02 Brian Beeton 17 F
278 712 Mibjugh
2019-10-22 Terry Adam 17 F
276 612 Mibjugh
2019-10-08 Dick Wilson 24 MF
6 521 928 Mibjugh
2019-10-04 Sunday Owusu 41 GK
0 Spicca
2019-10-04 Charlie Grey 39 D
0 Spicca
2019-09-20 Brian Haag 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2019-09-20 Stewart Flack 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2019-07-21 Winston Dahmer 17 MF
1 681 848 Mibjugh
2019-07-20 Lewis Bennet 18 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2019-06-27 Allan Henry 16 MF
13 292 496 Mibjugh
2019-06-25 Francisco Solari 22 F
5 906 040 Mibjugh
2019-06-21 Pascoal Trave 35 D
0 Spicca
2019-03-12 Tibi Vrânceanu 23 F
13 360 032 Mibjugh
2019-02-19 Alan Entwhistle 17 MF
6 628 020 Mibjugh
2019-01-20 Burt Birchwood 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2018-11-27 Tom Aalbæk Pedersen 19 D
2 408 028 Mibjugh
2018-11-03 Gregor Walters 18 MF
427 980 Mibjugh
2018-10-26 Lionel Acker 17 MF
1 126 020 Mibjugh
2018-10-08 Edmond Headon 19 MF
75 516 Mibjugh
2018-09-19 Spence Rankine 19 MF
58 800 Mibjugh
2018-09-19 José Pedro Saúde 17 F
0 Imkecci
2018-08-14 Eirik Kindström 19 F
0 Imkecci
2018-07-31 Geraldo Castinho 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2018-07-19 Gustavo Fidalgo 17 F
140 028 Mibjugh
2018-06-16 Albert Rössler 26 MF
9 000 012 Mibjugh
2018-06-16 Lido Artoni 24 D
7 500 024 Mibjugh
2018-06-14 Alan Urquhart 23 D
0 Imkecci
2018-06-14 Bernardo Vital 20 GK
0 Imkecci
2018-06-12 Oliver Downing 29 D
0 Imkecci
2018-01-12 Anselmo Oneto 38 F
0 Spicca
2017-12-11 Morgan Blackmoor 28 F
0 Imkecci
2017-11-10 Kirk Haslam 22 F
0 Imkecci
2017-09-29 Tyler Steadman 40 GK
0 Spicca
2017-07-08 Antoni Robredo 31 MF
4 698 036 Mibjugh
2017-06-16 Bebeto Sampaio 35 D
0 Spicca
2017-03-03 Rory Thirlstane 35 F
0 Spicca
2017-01-21 Vincent Lindroth 27 MF
7 500 024 Mibjugh
2016-08-05 Xurxo Arredondo 36 D
0 Spicca
2016-07-02 Markus Guldfot 28 MF
7 578 060 Mibjugh
2016-04-22 Krister Albinsson 38 GK
0 Spicca
2016-01-08 Jean II Epalle 36 D
0 Spicca
2016-01-08 Paul Kieft 35 MF
0 Spicca
2015-10-26 Oddmund Grodås 27 MF
7 596 036 Mibjugh
2015-07-05 Clyde Mackay 31 MF
3 128 076 Mibjugh
2015-06-12 Bert-Åke Bladflod 37 F
0 Spicca
2015-06-12 Zacharias Speering 35 MF
0 Spicca
2015-06-12 Marcial Hidalgo 37 D
0 Spicca
2015-04-24 Indri Demicoli 18 F
1 100 064 Mibjugh
2015-03-22 Edward Dawkins 21 D
2 400 048 Mibjugh
2014-12-03 Malcolm Lopson 21 F
0 Imkecci
2014-11-26 Jasper Tindle 21 F
0 Imkecci
2014-11-24 Rashad Evans 32 GK
3 363 024 Mibjugh
2014-11-22 Tomoki Nishino 21 F
3 714 060 Mibjugh
2014-10-19 Fedja Jambrek 34 F
1 300 068 Mibjugh
2014-08-01 Willy Rismoen 32 D
0 Spicca
2014-07-01 Dave Torpey 31 D
1 500 072 Mibjugh
2014-05-09 Roy Egeskog 31 D
2 208 024 Mibjugh
2014-05-01 Calvin Hosmann 20 F
6 646 080 Mibjugh
2014-04-18 Halvar Granander 40 MF
0 Spicca
2014-04-18 Divino Guimarães 33 F
0 Spicca
2014-03-10 Christopher Røst 19 MF
350 028 Mibjugh
2014-01-03 Dean Leatherbarrow 37 F
0 Spicca
2014-01-03 Mats Dingsten 40 MF
0 Spicca
2014-01-03 Mirel Paraschivescu 36 F
0 Spicca
2013-12-12 Leopold Newman 18 F
300 048 Mibjugh
2013-11-24 Alastair Bridges 34 D
733 068 Mibjugh
2013-11-21 Roy Farrington 24 MF
4 340 028 Mibjugh
2013-11-12 Jody Derbyshire 18 F
0 Imkecci
2013-11-11 Matty Duckworth 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-11-07 Karl Copeland 32 D
2 300 004 Mibjugh
2013-10-22 Marius Zokarias 33 D
755 076 Mibjugh
2013-10-03 Edson Rivaldinho 20 D
1 672 020 Mibjugh
2013-10-02 Alexander Finnberg 35 D
884 016 Mibjugh
2013-10-01 Adolfo Vigneri 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-09-29 Sardar Bashur 19 F
0 Imkecci
2013-09-28 Winston Blundell 16 MF
10 204 068 Mibjugh
2013-09-22 Tahir Beserler 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-06-07 Jay-Jay Erebowale 33 D
0 Spicca
2013-06-07 Sven-Olof Henningsson 35 MF
0 Spicca
2013-05-15 Didier Deschamps 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-02-15 Filip Mikaelsson 36 F
0 Spicca
2013-02-15 Faustino Vizela 36 D
0 Spicca
2012-11-02 Torleif Ishikawa 35 MF
0 Spicca
2012-07-28 Zaren Manduca 29 F
6 336 036 Mibjugh
2012-07-28 Martin Windsor 35 GK
2 000 040 Mibjugh
2012-06-14 Bengt-Erik Lucifer 23 MF
10 000 032 Mibjugh
2012-06-01 Toni Boskovic 23 GK
22 000 020 Mibjugh
2012-05-28 Michael Ballack 19 MF
2 000 040 Mibjugh
2012-05-13 Van Nistelrooy 17 F
3 236 016 Mibjugh
2012-05-05 Ross Trainer 18 D
2 500 008 Mibjugh
2012-04-27 Soloman Kalou 32 MF
5 300 064 Mibjugh
2012-04-12 Ekkehardt Laurenz 19 MF
14 500 080 Mibjugh
2011-12-28 Geoffrey Singleton 18 MF
4 008 816 Mibjugh
2011-12-23 Tony Abbot 35 D
0 Spicca
2011-09-10 Gerhard Österman 34 MF
0 Imkecci
2011-06-10 Lawrence Buckley 32 D
4 944 072 Mibjugh
2011-06-10 Bazyli Patryk 20 F
2 882 040 Mibjugh
2011-05-31 Jimmy Liljeborg 24 F
8 393 532 Mibjugh
2011-05-12 Bruce Davison 31 MF
3 973 704 Mibjugh
2011-02-17 Veijo Holmbäck 19 D
0 Imkecci
2011-02-17 Jakob Widing 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2010-12-24 Mårten Tidlund 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2010-11-23 Boine Rignell 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2010-09-17 Adolfo Sobral 35 GK
3 654 000 Mibjugh
2010-07-27 Jan-Olof Skoog 36 D
4 956 000 Mibjugh
2010-05-16 Edgar Kjell 20 D
80 052 Mibjugh
2010-04-07 Bert-Åke Boberg 17 D
1 550 370 Mibjugh
2010-03-23 Per-Erik Nordell 17 D
0 Imkecci
2010-02-08 Morgan Swärd 17 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2010-01-12 Billy Sjölund 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2009-12-03 Joacim Hasselgren 28 F
14 934 024 Mibjugh
2009-09-22 Alex Ohlsson 18 GK
378 000 Mibjugh
2009-09-18 Sjunne Svanström 17 GK
4 807 703 Mibjugh
2009-09-18 Kelly Dingle 25 GK
7 308 004 Mibjugh
2009-09-10 Alvar Abrahamsson 22 D
11 760 000 Mibjugh
2009-09-10 Matias Vicente 21 D
12 096 000 Mibjugh
2009-08-20 Knud Rosén 17 GK
2 016 000 Mibjugh
2009-08-18 Christer Dahlberg 28 D
9 660 000 Mibjugh
2009-08-18 Tommy Ryder 28 MF
17 640 000 Mibjugh
2009-08-17 Kaspar Elmerbrant 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2009-07-19 Rufus Tångeberg 19 GK
10 080 008 Mibjugh
2009-06-26 Raymond Fewou 18 GK
3 525 312 Mibjugh
2009-05-01 Georg Elling 19 GK
284 340 Mibjugh
2009-03-14 Kenneth Lenner 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2009-03-08 Per-Olov Normkvist 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2009-03-01 Nikolaij Dayun 30 D
7 000 056 Mibjugh
2009-01-11 Gustaf Fridell 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2008-11-05 Tobias Silfverstråhle 20 D
4 105 305 Mibjugh
2008-10-29 Gunde Axelsson 31 D
8 820 000 Mibjugh
2008-10-29 Frantisec Freund 31 MF
10 268 076 Mibjugh
2008-10-29 Ulf Brodén 28 F
13 940 052 Mibjugh
2008-07-25 Elliot Jederström 17 D
0 Imkecci
2008-06-14 Tore Danell 19 D
44 436 Mibjugh
2008-05-03 Zeb Ryman 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-04-30 Maximilliam Millquist 16 MF
908 880 Mibjugh
2008-04-11 Kurt Pontén 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-04-06 Rodney Frigård 17 F
0 Imkecci
2008-04-04 Serkan Yücetas 18 MF
5 000 016 Mibjugh
2008-04-04 Esbjörn Sjölund 29 MF
11 000 052 Mibjugh
2008-03-18 Ingo Gärdin 18 F
0 Imkecci
2008-01-05 Göte Fjellberg 17 F
714 252 Mibjugh
2007-12-18 Cornelis Rosenkvist 31 MF
9 091 787 Mibjugh
2007-12-18 Irinel Goia 26 F
15 420 048 Mibjugh
2007-11-30 Reine Lithander 20 F
0 Imkecci
2007-10-31 Kenneth Almtoft 19 F
0 Imkecci
2007-10-17 Valle Sigfridsson 29 GK
9 660 000 Mibjugh
2007-10-13 Per Definition 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2007-09-30 Ravinder Dubey 19 MF
588 000 Mibjugh
2007-09-27 Hermen Slucki 19 MF
2 000 040 Mibjugh
2007-09-27 James Cleaver 24 F
16 460 052 Mibjugh
2007-09-19 Sjunne Borgström 32 MF
9 660 000 Mibjugh
2007-09-18 Shayan Mohhamadian 25 D
10 500 000 Mibjugh
2007-09-13 Baybars Katosch 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2007-09-07 Robin Jenkins 22 GK
4 200 000 Mibjugh
2007-09-05 Torkjetíl Djuurvík 19 GK
1 603 560 Mibjugh
2007-07-28 Frimod Maartensson 18 GK
1 940 400 Mibjugh
2007-07-18 Olivúr Dam 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2007-06-26 Rói Rosenberg 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2007-06-08 Teo Appelquist 22 MF
993 700 Mibjugh
2007-05-05 Jason Sinclair 27 D
2 919 300 Mibjugh
2007-03-23 Ethan Addison 19 D
103 600 Mibjugh
2007-03-14 Stewart Stewart 19 D
164 000 Mibjugh
2007-02-14 Jesper Gullstrand 31 F
1 472 000 Mibjugh
2007-02-11 Errol Knighton 18 F
0 Imkecci
2007-02-09 Alan Pritchard 19 GK
1 028 800 Mibjugh
2007-01-08 Nikolas Brandin 21 GK
1 338 800 Mibjugh
2006-10-24 Martin Hederström 30 MF
3 340 100 Mibjugh
2006-10-22 Bengt-Erik Österdahl 31 F
1 740 000 Mibjugh
2006-10-11 Janne Silverspjut 18 F
226 800 Mibjugh
2006-10-06 Leonardo Söderberg 18 F
0 Imkecci
2006-09-03 Ebbe Vasa 17 D
179 900 Mibjugh
2006-08-16 Tomas Wilson 19 MF
369 400 Mibjugh
2006-07-08 Håkan Björkström 20 MF
142 800 Mibjugh
2006-07-02 Ivan Iwarson 19 F
472 000 Mibjugh
2006-07-01 Runar Heimdal 19 MF
439 500 Mibjugh
2006-04-20 Samuel Hårding 19 GK
349 000 Mibjugh
2006-04-13 Runar Bremer 18 GK
384 500 Mibjugh
2006-03-07 Loke Seveborg 18 GK
191 100 Mibjugh
2006-02-13 Liam Backlund 19 F
418 300 Mibjugh
2006-02-05 Rocky Allbäck 24 MF
2 859 800 Mibjugh
2006-01-28 Göte Lidman 18 F
424 200 Mibjugh
2006-01-22 Per-Albin Medin 19 F
164 000 Mibjugh
2006-01-18 Christian Ivholm 30 GK
2 585 600 Mibjugh
2006-01-17 Elvis Sundemo 28 MF
2 967 800 Mibjugh
2006-01-02 Jan Björngren 22 D
2 011 200 Mibjugh
2005-12-18 Göran Palmquist 20 F
179 200 Mibjugh
2005-12-14 Nils Bengtson 18 F
418 200 Mibjugh
2005-12-10 Pascal Örtendahl 28 MF
791 600 Mibjugh
2005-11-19 Salvador Sjullsson 19 GK
322 800 Mibjugh
2005-11-11 Ralf Bojfors 20 GK
378 800 Mibjugh
2005-10-19 Mikael Wenneberg 19 MF
740 100 Mibjugh
2005-10-05 Carl-Emil Granqvist 17 GK
887 500 Mibjugh
2005-09-10 Ingvar Pärson 25 D
1 122 300 Mibjugh
2005-08-29 Augustin Petterson 20 MF
160 700 Mibjugh
2005-07-24 Bernt Hedström 16 MF
251 400 Mibjugh
2005-07-13 Christopher Sjöberg 28 MF
1 668 100 Mibjugh
2005-06-27 Gerhard Elmeroth 18 F
410 100 Mibjugh
2005-06-21 Lars-Göran Bergendorff 19 F
541 900 Mibjugh
2005-05-26 Adrian Herstorp 26 D
1 216 500 Mibjugh
2005-05-25 Mats Burström 28 F
339 900 Mibjugh
2005-05-24 Gustav Törneke 29 MF
1 254 500 Mibjugh
2005-04-24 Rikard Pålsson 20 MF
269 000 Mibjugh
2005-02-21 Richard Amin 24 D
186 400 Mibjugh
2005-02-21 Truls Apelgren 18 D
2 166 000 Mibjugh
2005-02-20 Mario Guldfot 23 MF
881 100 Mibjugh
2005-02-14 Ossian Arvhage 27 GK
1 563 200 Mibjugh
2005-01-29 Valentin Haglind 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2004-12-21 Elof Glimsjö 24 D
269 800 Mibjugh
2004-12-19 Michel Sahlén 20 MF
288 600 Mibjugh
2004-11-19 Carl-Evert Lundén 34 MF
0 Imkecci
2004-11-15 Marko Alexandersson 23 F
1 326 000 Mibjugh
2004-10-29 Kurt-Erik Spegel 18 D
284 300 Mibjugh
2004-10-26 Michel Hemberg 31 MF
0 Imkecci
2004-10-05 Raymond Posener 30 D
228 800 Mibjugh
2004-10-03 René Clarkson 30 D
210 400 Mibjugh
2004-09-28 Rickard Andrén 32 F
516 200 Mibjugh
2004-09-28 Nils-Gunnar Dahlström 32 D
239 000 Mibjugh

Menu tat-tim


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