Atli Másson

Forward , 32 years

Team: Cape Coast Dwarfs
The player has no yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 3b 16 10(6) 2(1) 2(1) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0)
Total - 29(11) 18(7) 11(3) 7(4) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) 2(0) 0(0)

Previous clubs
Björkholmen FC 245 113 33 1374 2024-02-05 18:25 6 849 600 econ


Top scorers 7 goals Division 4c Classic League 65
Most points 14 points Division 4a Euro League 68
Top scorers 10 goals Division 4a Euro League 68
Top scorers 7 goals Division 4a Euro League 66


Times injured: 7
Days injured: 22
DateDays Match report
2024-01-18 4 FC Tengilsoldat - Björkholmen FC
2023-05-29 8 Björkholmen FC - Norrlands GU
2022-10-31 2 Björkholmen FC - Bergischer Haufen
2022-08-18 3 Eastbourne Rovers - Björkholmen FC
2022-04-04 2 Björkholmen FC - Rialto FC
2021-10-21 1 Björkholmen FC - FC St.Ötteritz
2020-12-10 2 Missing

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