Christopher Künzel

Midfielder , 36 years

Team: Monty Pythons Foot
The player has no yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 1b 16 15(8) 3(2) 2(2) 1(0) 0(0) 2(0) 1(1) 1(0) 0(0)
Total - 405(158) 140(79) 71(43) 69(36) 0(0) 30(9) 1(1) 57(12) 0(0)


Most bookings 6 yellow cards Final League Final League 71
MVP 10 Xpert Elevens Division 1b Final League 67


Times injured: 13
Days injured: 85
DateDays Match report
2024-02-12 14 Leechester FC - Monty Pythons Foot
2023-07-31 2 Zepp u Grezz - Monty Pythons Foot
2023-04-03 13 Sporting Clube do Pico - Monty Pythons Foot
2022-11-04 4 Gratis Paladin FC - Monty Pythons Foot
2022-06-13 4 Monty Pythons Foot - Boca Vapors
2022-03-23 3 Missing
2022-01-28 13 Stanford FC - Monty Pythons Foot
2021-03-29 3 Missing
2021-01-22 1 Monty Pythons Foot - Jokers FC
2020-10-30 11 Monty Pythons Foot - Tiberious FC
2020-08-31 9 Missing
2020-08-28 2 Wasta IK - Monty Pythons Foot
2019-08-16 6 The Emerald Isle Engine - Monty Pythons Foot

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