Alex Iftode

Forward , 34 years

Team: Starfish Hunters
The player has 1 yellow card

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 6:35 5 11(2) 3(0) 2(0) 1(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0)
Total - 124(17) 29(1) 24(1) 5(0) 0(0) 13(3) 1(0) 26(0) 0(0)


Top scorers 5 goals Division 6:9 Golden League 63
Most points 8 points Division 6:30 Golden League 60
Top scorers 8 goals Division 6:30 Golden League 60
MVP 13 Xpert Elevens Division 6:30 Golden League 60


Times injured: 12
Days injured: 103
DateDays Match report
2024-04-14 20 Gold Diggers - Starfish Hunters
2024-01-14 20 Starfish Hunters - Morön Rangers
2023-12-31 3 Starfish Hunters - The Porkies
2023-08-06 17 Missing
2023-06-04 4 New Dehli Dribblers - Starfish Hunters
2023-04-30 2 Missing
2023-01-01 2 Missing
2022-09-25 26 Missing
2022-08-21 2 Langdon Hills Rovers - Starfish Hunters
2022-03-06 1 One hit wonder FF - Starfish Hunters
2022-02-27 4 Coast Storm - Starfish Hunters
2022-02-06 2 Starfish Hunters - Graceville Oilers

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