Felisberto Damião

Midfielder , 32 years

Team: Bajen ultras IF
The player has 1 yellow card

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 5:20 10 15(4) 7(0) 4(0) 3(0) 0(0) 1(1) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Total - 100(22) 52(10) 21(5) 31(5) 1(0) 7(1) 0(0) 5(0) 0(0)

Previous clubs
Canterbury Brewers Club 21 3 6 190 2022-11-11 12:25 1 992 900 econ
Ponte de Lima FC 79 18 23 683 2022-05-05 12:25 3 809 600 econ


Most sending offs 1 red cards Division 5:25 Golden League 57
Most sending offs 2 red cards Division 4m Golden League 56
Most bookings 4 yellow cards Division 4m Golden League 56


Times injured: 5
Days injured: 58
DateDays Match report
2024-03-25 13 Duplex 755D - Bajen ultras IF
2023-06-05 17 English Mustard FC - Bajen ultras IF
2021-10-14 19 Missing
2021-01-24 3 Missing
2020-09-27 6 Green Wizards - Ponte de Lima FC

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