Leonel Messi

Forward , 33 years

Team: tsar olympique fc
The player has 1 yellow card

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 5:21 14 15(4) 16(3) 14(3) 2(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) 6(0) 0(0)
Total - 277(58) 306(64) 234(47) 72(17) 0(0) 46(5) 3(1) 69(0) 22(0)


Most points 15 points Division 5:19 Major League 72
Top scorers 10 goals Division 5:19 Major League 72
MVP 13 Xpert Elevens Division 6:39 Major League 71
Top scorers 17 goals Division 6:39 Major League 71
Most points 22 points Division 6:39 Major League 71
Most assists 5 assists Division 6:39 Major League 71
Top scorers 14 goals Division 5:20 Major League 69
Most points 18 points Division 5:20 Major League 69
Top scorers 21 goals Division 6:12 Major League 68
Most points 25 points Division 6:12 Major League 68
MVP 13 Xpert Elevens Division 6:12 Major League 68
Most points 16 points Division 5:1 Major League 67
Top scorers 14 goals Division 5:1 Major League 67
Top scorers 17 goals Division 5:2 Major League 66
Most points 24 points Division 5:2 Major League 66
Top scorers 22 goals Division 6:2 Major League 65
Most sending offs 1 red cards Division 6:2 Major League 65
Most points 28 points Division 6:2 Major League 65
Most bookings 4 yellow cards Division 5:4 Major League 63
Most bookings 5 yellow cards Division 6:6 Major League 60
Most points 16 points Division 6:6 Major League 60
Top scorers 11 goals Division 6:6 Major League 60
Most assists 5 assists Division 6:6 Major League 60
Most sending offs 1 red cards Division 5:1 Major League 59
Most bookings 5 yellow cards Division 5:1 Major League 59
Top scorers 11 goals Division 6:1 Major League 58


Times injured: 14
Days injured: 70
DateDays Match report
2024-06-28 4 tsar olympique fc - Incy Wincy Insects
2024-03-22 2 Superkings FC - tsar olympique fc
2024-03-01 15 tsar olympique fc - Hoyland City
2023-12-08 3 Missing
2023-12-01 4 Kung Fu United - tsar olympique fc
2023-08-25 14 tsar olympique fc - SoKo Weinbrand
2023-07-14 3 tsar olympique fc - Knowle Park Rangers FC
2022-09-02 1 Inverness Rangers - tsar olympique fc
2022-02-18 4 tsar olympique fc - Last 300
2021-09-27 3 Missing
2021-08-27 3 Missing
2020-12-04 1 tsar olympique fc - Pomian
2020-09-11 11 tsar olympique fc - Montreal impact
2020-04-24 2 tsar olympique fc - Canvey Mavericks

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