Cornell Terrell

Forward , 31 years

Team: FCSB Bucuresti
The player has 1 yellow card

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 4p 16 22(11) 17(7) 12(5) 5(2) 0(0) 1(1) 0(0) 10(0) 0(0)
Total - 146(48) 112(37) 84(29) 28(8) 0(0) 5(2) 0(0) 38(0) 0(0)

Previous clubs
GaIatasaray 5 7 0 35 2022-05-23 00:25 17 960 200 econ
Stardust Evalution FC 122 29 7 784 2022-04-18 12:25 5 896 800 econ
Prague AFC 0 0 0 8 2020-02-24 12:25 152 700 econ


Most points 11 points Division 3h Super League 66
Top scorers 7 goals Division 3h Super League 66
Most points 11 points Division 3h Super League 65
Top scorers 9 goals Division 3h Super League 65
Most points 10 points Division 3h Super League 64
Top scorers 8 goals Division 3h Super League 64
Most points 13 points Division 4o Super League 63
Top scorers 11 goals Division 4o Super League 63
MVP 14 Xpert Elevens Division 6:52 Xpert International 65


Times injured: 7
Days injured: 63
DateDays Match report
2024-02-10 12 A S S E - FCSB Bucuresti
2023-07-29 13 FC - FCSB Bucuresti
2023-04-04 11 James City County - FCSB Bucuresti
2023-01-31 3 royal kings - FCSB Bucuresti
2022-08-30 13 FCSB Bucuresti - Dead Empire
2021-01-15 3 Missing
2020-12-07 8 Stardust Evalution FC - Firecracker

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