Players Out

Still active players sold to other clubs
Damian Fallon 16 MF
2024-07-31 Kvällsmästarens Kungar 12 007 200
Willy Myles 18 MF
2024-03-22 Meccamputechture Fusion 3 664 300
Larry Ness 18 MF
2024-03-07 EO United 2 285 800
Art Eastham 21 MF
2023-09-20 Super Leeds AFC 4 066 700
Marty Sheron 21 MF
2023-07-03 FC Gerard 96 1 014 300
Wallace Birchwood 22 F
2023-03-27 Forres Mechanics 833 400
Rob Streep 21 F
2023-02-25 The Terracotta Army 1 985 800
Johnny Patterson 25 MF
2022-04-17 Åshöjdens BK 3 440 500
Marv Low 29 MF
2021-07-23 Bald Eagles FC 305 300
Tyler Tait 30 F
2021-02-15 Beard Brothers FC 154 800
Sonny Sambrook 32 MF
2020-02-06 Sweet Valley Demons 10 090 500
Filbert Tinkler 33 MF
2019-12-24 Raggy Island 209 600
Johnny Sandford 34 D
2019-09-12 Caesars Palace 3 897 700

Players that left the club
2024-08-19 Ragnvald Sund 35 D
0 Quit
2024-08-04 Kieran Threlfall 19 MF
670 068 Sold
2024-07-31 Damian Fallon 16 MF
10 086 048 Sold
2024-05-09 Christophe Antoinette 18 MF
0 Sacked
2024-05-06 Henning Ahlinder 39 D
0 Quit
2024-03-22 Willy Myles 17 MF
3 078 012 Sold
2024-03-07 Larry Ness 17 MF
1 920 072 Sold
2024-01-26 Halldór Sturlason 22 F
0 Sacked
2024-01-22 Shawn Jamieson 37 MF
0 Quit
2023-10-09 Ben Catalfamo 36 F
0 Quit
2023-10-09 Desmond Murray 36 MF
0 Quit
2023-09-20 Art Eastham 18 MF
3 416 028 Sold
2023-09-19 Russ Whincup 17 MF
1 304 016 Sold
2023-07-03 Marty Sheron 17 MF
852 012 Sold
2023-05-06 Clark Ripley 20 F
0 Sacked
2023-05-01 Ingemar Wallgren 31 D
686 028 Sold
2023-03-27 Wallace Birchwood 17 F
700 056 Sold
2023-03-14 Steven Lewis 19 F
0 Sacked
2023-03-13 Ole Gunnar Elvebakk 36 D
0 Quit
2023-03-13 Alec MacCalman 37 GK
0 Quit
2023-02-25 Rob Streep 16 F
1 668 072 Sold
2022-12-30 Burt Hackett 20 F
0 Sacked
2022-10-15 Simon Coy 19 F
0 Sacked
2022-08-15 Denis MacCarthy 36 F
0 Quit
2022-08-15 Matias Balança 35 D
0 Quit
2022-05-28 Mark Lysell 19 F
0 Sacked
2022-05-16 Cronin Connoly 19 F
0 Sacked
2022-05-02 Leighton Beagrie 18 MF
0 Sacked
2022-04-22 Gunvald Gerdin 18 D
0 Sacked
2022-04-22 Rafael Ehnholt 22 F
0 Sacked
2022-04-17 Johnny Patterson 17 MF
2 890 020 Sold
2022-01-21 Henry Bonano 23 F
0 Sacked
2022-01-18 Cris Corpe 18 MF
0 Sacked
2022-01-18 Duane Hubbard 20 MF
0 Sacked
2022-01-17 Eddie McLeod 35 MF
0 Quit
2021-12-30 Maurice Russell 16 MF
150 024 Sold
2021-11-06 Bjarne Söderlind 20 D
0 Sacked
2021-10-06 Timmy Foote 37 D
0 Sacked
2021-10-04 Flynn McHampton 19 D
0 Sacked
2021-10-04 Arvi Eevala 20 MF
0 Sacked
2021-10-04 Luuk Lagerland 19 D
0 Sacked
2021-10-04 Byron Peverill 18 MF
0 Sacked
2021-10-04 Lucas Aravena 19 MF
0 Sacked
2021-08-20 Tommy Lech 18 D
0 Sacked
2021-07-23 Marv Low 18 MF
256 452 Sold
2021-06-23 Will Charter 38 MF
0 Sacked
2021-06-23 Mathijs Kooijman 19 D
0 Sacked
2021-06-21 Ashton Huddison 39 MF
0 Quit
2021-03-27 Stu Ross 20 MF
0 Sacked
2021-03-10 Daley Goulder 21 MF
0 Sacked
2021-03-10 Ivan Liljeborg 31 F
0 Sacked
2021-03-08 Ron Baird 38 D
0 Quit
2021-02-15 Tyler Tait 18 F
130 032 Sold
2021-02-15 Frederick Thellwell 17 F
250 068 Sold
2020-11-23 Preston Tomlinson 20 MF
0 Sacked
2020-11-23 Edvard Forss 21 F
0 Sacked
2020-11-23 Herbert Kjellman 38 MF
0 Quit
2020-08-10 Rolf Granquist 34 GK
0 Quit
2020-07-02 Walt Keating 18 MF
100 044 Sold
2020-05-05 Gerry Dooston 23 F
544 068 Sold
2020-04-29 Otto Hawker 36 F
0 Sacked
2020-04-27 Gary Playmaker 38 MF
0 Quit
2020-02-08 Rusty Beasant 18 MF
0 Sacked
2020-02-06 Sonny Sambrook 17 MF
8 476 020 Sold
2020-01-17 Micky Hutchence 19 MF
0 Sacked
2020-01-13 Luciliano Pinto da Luz 37 MF
0 Quit
2020-01-13 Ossian Nyberg 36 D
0 Quit
2019-12-24 Filbert Tinkler 17 MF
176 064 Sold
2019-12-03 Eric Carrick 19 MF
0 Sacked
2019-10-02 Clint Parker 20 MF
0 Sacked
2019-10-02 Zachary Hammerhand 19 MF
0 Sacked
2019-09-30 Allen Jameson 36 D
0 Quit
2019-09-12 Johnny Sandford 17 D
3 274 068 Sold
2019-06-22 Jonny Stirling 33 F
0 Sacked
2019-06-22 Ian Manger 20 D
0 Sacked
2019-06-22 Dennis Simon 18 MF
0 Sacked
2019-06-17 Ernesto Ângelo 40 GK
0 Quit
2019-03-05 Jeff Bagshaw 20 MF
0 Sacked
2019-03-05 Lee Aveling 19 MF
0 Sacked
2019-03-04 Liam Rawcliffe 36 MF
0 Quit
2019-01-12 Franklin Noble 18 MF
0 Sacked
2019-01-12 Aksel Qvam 18 F
0 Sacked
2018-11-19 Yu Fung 35 MF
0 Quit
2018-08-17 Maurice Gareth 17 MF
1 606 080 Sold
2018-08-13 Steve McOwen 23 MF
0 Sacked
2018-08-13 Joey Killen 22 D
0 Sacked
2018-08-13 Stu Garratt 19 MF
0 Sacked
2018-08-06 Arthur Warhurst 20 MF
0 Sacked
2018-08-06 Mano Guerrero 35 D
0 Sacked
2018-08-06 Klas Millkvist 33 D
0 Sacked
2018-07-18 Jarred Hird 17 MF
434 028 Sold
2018-04-27 Adrian Sawyer 18 MF
0 Sacked
2018-04-24 Rico Visone 28 F
0 Sacked
2018-04-24 Jeremie Hancook 20 MF
0 Sacked
2018-04-05 Paul Crichton 16 MF
8 396 052 Sold
2018-02-02 Romeo Clockwork 20 D
0 Sacked
2017-09-25 Oswald Rain 28 MF
0 Sacked
2017-09-25 Jaumet Imanol 35 F
0 Sacked
2017-09-25 Rolf Peukert 35 GK
0 Sacked
2017-09-25 Todd Irwin 20 D
0 Sacked
2017-09-25 Alexander Rodgers 34 D
0 Sacked
2017-08-30 Jonathan Strouts 17 D
250 068 Sold
2017-08-30 Marv Lodge 17 D
320 040 Sold
2017-06-12 Morgan de Freeman 35 D
0 Quit
2017-03-01 Txeru Bordas 27 D
0 Sacked
2016-11-14 Ubaldo Barreiro 35 F
0 Quit
2016-08-01 Howard Hornby 38 GK
0 Quit
2016-06-30 Nathan Lewington 34 F
0 Sacked
2016-04-18 Rogério Lagos 37 D
0 Quit
2016-01-04 Terence Ingledow 21 F
0 Sacked
2015-11-21 Cletus Armitage 22 F
0 Sacked
2015-11-21 Titus Tinkler 38 MF
0 Sacked
2015-09-21 Norman Lumsden 39 GK
0 Quit
2015-09-21 Urbano Manhente 36 D
0 Quit
2015-07-31 Randall Clockwork 37 MF
0 Sacked
2015-07-02 Bertram Shail 19 F
0 Sacked
2015-04-30 Byron Warhurst 20 F
0 Sacked
2015-03-22 Randy Adam 21 F
0 Sacked
2015-02-27 Titus Pertwee 19 F
0 Sacked
2015-01-06 Lesley Brock 18 F
0 Sacked
2014-11-10 Nauzet Cabrejo 35 F
0 Quit
2014-09-26 Stephen Bevers 22 D
0 Sacked
2014-09-20 Shelton Coy 21 F
0 Sacked
2014-08-23 Gregory Acreman 22 D
0 Sacked
2014-08-03 Steven McNicholas 26 GK
0 Sacked
2014-07-28 Duarte Badalhoco 32 D
0 Quit
2014-07-28 Thijs Thijssens 35 F
0 Quit
2014-06-12 Perry Duncan 16 F
4 613 616 Sold
2014-04-15 Tyson Burbank 20 D
0 Sacked
2014-02-08 Barry Deery 37 D
0 Sacked
2014-02-03 Jimi Malkin 29 MF
1 518 048 Sold
2014-02-03 Albin Volkmann 27 MF
6 556 032 Sold
2014-02-03 Gilberto Quintana 27 MF
1 856 064 Sold
2014-01-15 Drew Jenas 18 D
0 Sacked
2014-01-15 Lloyd Every 28 D
0 Sacked
2013-12-30 Dorian Corben 38 MF
0 Quit
2013-12-30 Hans-Erik Åkesson 35 F
0 Quit
2013-11-03 Russell Hardy 25 F
0 Sacked
2013-11-03 Jay Norris 22 MF
0 Sacked
2013-06-07 Clyde Stockdale 26 F
1 752 072 Sold
2013-06-07 Iain Ridgewell 26 D
3 372 012 Sold
2013-06-05 Wilbur Yates 21 D
0 Sacked
2013-06-03 Lambert Grayson 21 MF
0 Sacked
2013-06-03 Jan Christophersen 19 F
0 Sacked
2012-11-01 Trevor Allison 24 MF
0 Sacked
2012-11-01 Gordon Croudson 20 D
0 Sacked
2012-08-07 Darcy Lopson 19 MF
0 Sacked
2012-07-26 Theobald Knight 34 D
0 Sacked
2012-04-10 Glyn Benn 32 GK
0 Sacked
2012-04-10 Evert Salomonsson 35 F
0 Sacked
2012-01-15 Edmund Wassmo 36 GK
0 Sacked
2012-01-14 Marshall Ryan 18 D
0 Sacked
2011-12-19 Eugene Stockdale 19 F
0 Sacked
2011-09-05 Martin Lampard 35 F
0 Quit
2011-09-05 Enzio Pecorari 37 D
0 Quit
2011-08-20 Freddy Hellowell 16 D
7 580 076 Sold
2011-06-29 Dermot Muller 19 MF
0 Sacked
2011-05-24 Jarred McNicholas 23 F
0 Sacked
2011-05-23 Marc Gaunt 36 MF
0 Quit
2011-02-07 Hans Borelius 39 D
0 Quit
2011-02-07 Bart Brewster 37 D
0 Quit
2011-02-07 Guido Simao 37 MF
0 Quit
2011-02-07 Keith Newton 37 MF
0 Quit
2010-07-17 Birger Elfvin 34 MF
1 848 000 Sold
2010-07-13 Dwayne Divine 33 MF
0 Sacked
2010-05-17 Arnold Frostberg 34 F
1 428 000 Sold
2010-02-21 Shelton Dagger 18 F
100 044 Sold
2009-12-21 Bobby Swaine 18 F
2 898 000 Sold
2009-12-18 Orlando Garcia Lorca 26 D
4 809 000 Sold
2009-12-14 Nicky Thatcher 18 MF
0 Sacked
2009-10-30 Sonny Stott 22 MF
247 044 Sold
2009-09-25 Tony Edwards 18 MF
0 Sacked
2009-07-22 Walton Ravenhill 28 D
2 856 000 Sold
2009-06-02 Martin Battersby 17 D
0 Sacked
2009-05-23 Joel Darby 30 MF
1 680 000 Sold
2009-04-20 Cameron Reeves 16 D
0 Sacked
2009-02-08 Kirk Hopper 35 F
284 004 Sold
2008-11-12 Wendell Hiscock 17 D
0 Sacked
2008-10-24 Jens Normstedt 28 GK
3 024 000 Sold
2008-07-31 Jalen Killen 28 GK
5 544 000 Sold
2008-07-07 Hector Aveling 19 F
0 Sacked
2008-05-31 Darren Hepburn 17 F
321 048 Sold
2008-04-21 Gregory Broomes 19 MF
504 000 Sold
2008-04-08 Lou Mahon 20 MF
7 728 000 Sold
2008-03-24 Mick Colbourne 31 D
0 Quit
2008-03-01 Graeme Cousins 17 MF
0 Sacked
2008-01-17 Genryu Shiraishi 17 MF
0 Sacked
2007-12-17 Alfred Harris 19 F
200 004 Sold
2007-12-17 Luke Algernon 30 MF
2 772 000 Sold
2007-10-19 Alan Nielispach 19 F
0 Sacked
2007-09-19 Darius Stockley 18 D
207 228 Sold
2007-09-06 Eliott Pettinger 19 D
0 Sacked
2007-09-01 Emilie Westwood 25 F
6 048 000 Sold
2007-08-02 Kendrick Summerbee 18 D
0 Sacked
2007-07-16 Srdjan Vukota 33 F
1 512 840 Sold
2007-07-14 Hamilton Brown 19 D
100 632 Sold
2007-05-16 Cliff Ackling 19 D
163 000 Sold
2007-03-21 Joshua Royal 16 MF
601 800 Sold
2007-03-17 Raphael Jobson 18 MF
382 700 Sold
2007-03-06 Leo Ashbee 22 D
173 800 Sold
2007-01-19 Facundo Hernandéz 19 GK
495 300 Sold
2006-12-28 Curt McBrain 19 MF
251 700 Sold
2006-12-25 Jamie Pilkington 18 MF
0 Sacked
2006-10-13 Darrel Geller 29 MF
885 000 Sold
2006-10-12 Shawn Balmer 18 GK
200 800 Sold
2006-10-11 Billy Nogan 17 F
358 500 Sold
2006-08-25 James Skinner 21 F
86 000 Sold
2006-08-05 Jerry Ballis 18 D
199 500 Sold
2006-07-30 Kenny Rea 25 D
1 432 300 Sold
2006-07-26 Geoff Keller 34 D
0 Sacked
2006-06-23 Ray Headon 27 GK
515 400 Sold
2006-06-11 Sam Hamshaw 17 MF
582 000 Sold
2006-04-02 Joseph Gascoigne 31 MF
1 374 900 Sold
2006-03-05 Vince Berkley 29 MF
359 900 Sold
2006-02-19 Nigel Benham 28 F
2 343 500 Sold
2006-02-19 Carl Dawson 32 D
717 700 Sold
2006-02-13 Eddie Gledhill 30 MF
503 000 Sold
2005-12-05 Darryl Lansbury 27 D
376 500 Sold
2005-12-05 Gary Smallwood 27 D
376 000 Sold
2005-12-02 Kyle Yates 28 F
715 500 Sold
2005-12-01 Liam Hardiker 22 D
383 000 Sold
2005-12-01 Bruce Worthington 28 MF
119 600 Sold
2005-11-29 Ike Gullian 31 D
149 000 Sold

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