Aquilino Ziganda

Defender , 31 years

The player has 1 yellow card

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 2a 16 2(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Total - 240(78) 21(10) 5(4) 16(6) 1(0) 75(23) 11(2) 39(0) 2(0)


Most bookings 5 yellow cards Division 3a Xpert International 73
MVP 13 Xpert Elevens Division 4b Xpert International 72
MVP 13 Xpert Elevens Division 5:3 Xpert International 71
Most sending offs 2 red cards Division 4b Xpert International 70
Most bookings 4 yellow cards Division 4b Xpert International 70
Most sending offs 2 red cards Division 3a Xpert International 69
Most bookings 3 yellow cards Division 3a Xpert International 69
Most bookings 6 yellow cards Division 3a Xpert International 68
Most sending offs 1 red cards Division 4a Xpert International 67
Most bookings 3 yellow cards Division 4a Xpert International 67
Most bookings 4 yellow cards Division 4a Xpert International 65
Most bookings 4 yellow cards Division 2a Xpert International 62
Most sending offs 2 red cards Division 2a Xpert International 61
Most bookings 6 yellow cards Division 2a Xpert International 61
Most sending offs 2 red cards Division 2a Xpert International 60
Most bookings 4 yellow cards Division 2a Xpert International 60


Times injured: 13
Days injured: 91
DateDays Match report
2024-03-15 3 Missing
2024-02-26 11 United DarKness - ANNIXWE
2024-02-12 4 ANNIXWE - MurderOnZidanesFloor
2023-07-17 1 ANNIXWE - Älsjövägen IK
2023-04-03 4 ANNIXWE - A RevolvingDoor
2023-01-20 26 ANNIXWE - FibR Football Club
2022-07-15 3 Cargofleet Cavaliers - ANNIXWE
2022-06-24 4 ANNIXWE - Spotify Fc
2022-04-22 4 ANNIXWE - Tvärby IF
2022-01-17 3 Corinthians 1910 - ANNIXWE
2021-04-23 8 Missing
2021-01-08 11 Missing

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