Ronny Schwarzenbeck

Forward , 34 years

Team: Schvensögen SV
The player has 1 yellow card

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 4g 13 5(0) 2(0) 1(0) 1(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0)
Total - 188(43) 77(28) 59(24) 18(4) 0(0) 15(4) 1(0) 7(0) 0(0)


Most points 10 points Division 4h Euro League 73
Top scorers 9 goals Division 4h Euro League 73
Most sending offs 1 red cards Division 4f Euro League 63


Times injured: 20
Days injured: 130
DateDays Match report
2024-04-25 4 Talleres - Schvensögen SV
2024-03-28 12 Schvensögen SV - Kumla BK
2024-03-04 2 Earth Crisis - Schvensögen SV
2024-01-18 1 Schvensögen SV - Lisbon Football Club
2023-12-25 4 Milanistas F.C. - Schvensögen SV
2023-12-07 4 Schvensögen SV - Nerike FF
2023-09-21 10 Schvensögen SV - Humlegatan United
2023-08-28 2 Réplik Portugal FC - Schvensögen SV
2023-08-17 4 FC Eden - Schvensögen SV
2023-08-10 3 Schvensögen SV - AFC Skellefteå
2023-06-01 23 Schvensögen SV - Kålle SK
2023-03-02 16 Kumla BK - Schvensögen SV
2022-12-01 4 Tru Tank Dogs - Schvensögen SV
2022-12-01 16 Tru Tank Dogs - Schvensögen SV
2022-05-05 2 Schvensögen SV - FC Batigol
2022-03-17 7 Schvensögen SV - Idavallen BK
2022-01-06 3 Schvensögen SV - Ribbträff FC
2021-04-26 4 Missing
2021-04-08 6 Missing
2020-10-12 3 Arseanl FC - Schvensögen SV

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