De: | Andover
England |
Nivel entrenador
1305 de 10118
269 de 1607
67 (2023-09-23)
If you're not first, your last!
---------------- XpertEleven Manager of the Week 15/03/2018
The Electric Seagulls...the single most talented team in the history of the world, ever :)
Highest rank so far, 67, 23rd Sept 2023. Previous highest was 79, more than 15 years prior on 21st Jan 08 !!
Went an entire calendar year unbeaten in the classic league with RCD Blanquiazules in 2012
House of Trouser Premiership Champions, seasons 2, 11, 12, 13, 27, 31, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 63
House of Trouser Division 1 Champions, season 5, 49
Xpert League Cup Winners season 63
Xpert Champions League Participants August/Sept 2021 |