
Communiqués de presse de Super League

2024-05-07 11:46
Doncaster Elites
Division 4f
Entraîneur: El-capitan

Not a good start for moody Shawn Clode
New season signing... lets add, known for being moody, put in a extremely lackluster performance not even lackluster, throwing a paddy about everything, because we failed to take advantage of a lot of shots on target in comparison took his mood out onto the playingfield with him and only performed half up to usual standards. Not a very good first impression!

Possession: 50 - 50 (48-52)
Chances: 6 - 5 (1-3)

Home - Man Of The Match - Away
Nick Dagnell Udo Bladflod

As you can see it was a side of two halfs, first side being our half 3 good chances as apposed to their 1, however the second half our #1 #1 comes in to save the second half where the home team seemed to get into grove but of course, big Uda comes in swimging, I wish I could keep this guy forever!

Now we have a chance for another dominant performance, which we hope to take advantage of because in the league its very hard competitiion, and we all have to be working very hard to be competative, although I was optimistic for a win, overall we did we were also away where its considerable harder to snatch a result... Every silver could and all!

Next cup match we will be bringing in both our younger lads as they have thought hard for it in training, and this would be a great chance for them who are holding their own in a decent league of proffesional football! And ofcourse i mean Leonel Cardigos, who i brought in to study and train with Uda, who is a outstanding goalkeeper, hes got a oppertunity here to shine! And lucas Herculrino who of course we have seen a professional football this season and is learning well, he gets another chance to shine!

We are not going to give anything else away for free, apart from Shawne Clode who will be watching from the bench this game, you need much more discipline that that to start for our team!
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2024-06-02 Xpert Eleven Il s'agit d'un communiqué de presse 0 0

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