
Novinarsko sporočilo od Super League

2024-04-27 13:24
Doncaster Elites
Division 4f
Trener: El-capitan

Doncaster Elites 7-0 Gümüsesspor
Possession: 71 - 29 (73-27)
Chances: 11 - 0 (7-0)

Home - Man Of The Match - Away
Terrence Arely Gottfrid Juneberg
Its not very often you get to witness a 7-0 battering, however the team we were against has clearly just been left to rott in the lowest divisions where their skill level has just plummetted, but lets not take away how well we did in staying composed, you know with a new manager a few tactical changes from the old manager, this was a great win, our form is coming back nicely and no we need to focus on surviving the league without getting relegated, and we will be trying to push as far as we can in the cup for sure! We had 3 players today who only needed one for goal for a hattrick but its great to see the team not being greedy and setting up other players for better goals rather than being greedy. Compared to when i took over this is massive, and should show the team that survival in this league is more than possible as when the boys put their minds to it, they are bloody damn good i tell you!
Kudos [1]
2024-06-03 Xpert Eleven To je novinarsko poročilo 0 0

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