Info liga - Pearson Premiership

Pagina ligii: www.britishpremiership.proboar...
ID-ul ligii: 76695
Admin-ul ligii: Peternorbury
Ratingul ligii:
Pozitie: Pozitia 678
Vârsta medie a membrilor: 41 ani
Număr de echipe: 12 (AI Teams: 6)
Echipe active: 12
Echipe VIP: 2
Creata in data de: 2006-09-16
Sezonul incepe in: 2024-11-18
Sezonul se termina in: 2025-04-16
Tipul ligii: Liga privata (Barbati)
Sistemul ligii: 1:1
Divizii: 1
Trucuri murdare: Neactivat
Transferuri directe: Activat
Schimbarea numelor jucatorilor: Activat
Zilele meciurilor: Lunea si Joia
Ora meciurilor: 20:30
Demografie: Sweden: 50%
England: 50%
Conditii: Nu sunt articole!

Bramley Millers 53
Elwynn forest 52
Home Alone 51
Home Alone 50
Bramley Millers 49
Westfall Rangers 48
Westfall Rangers 47
AFC Leyton Scorient 46
Home Alone 45
Home Alone 44
Home Alone 41
Bramley Millers 40
Home Alone 39
AFC Leyton Scorient 37
AFC Leyton Scorient 34
AFC Leyton Scorient 33
CDS City 31
AFC Leyton Scorient 30
CDS City 29
Bramley Millers 28
AFC Leyton Scorient 27
AFC Leyton Scorient 26
AFC Leyton Scorient 24
AFC Leyton Scorient 23
AFC Leyton Scorient 22
AFC Leyton Scorient 20
AFC Leyton Scorient 19
AFC Leyton Scorient 18
Home Alone 9

Descrierea ligii:
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