Informacje o lidze - Football Fanatics Worldwide League

Strona ligi:
ID ligi: 57881
Administrator: Ramtastic
Wskaźnik ligi:
Ranking: miejsce 678
Średnia wieku: 46 lat
Liczba drużyn: 30 (AI Teams: 1)
Aktywne drużyny: 29
Drużyny VIP: 10
Utworzona: 2006-04-02
Start sezonu: 2024-12-29
Koniec sezonu: 2025-04-29
Typ ligi: Prywatna Liga (męska)
System ligi: 1:1
Dywizje: 3
Brudne sztuczki: Nie
Transfery bezpośrednie: Tak
Zmiana nazwisk: Tak
Dni meczowe: środy i niedziele
Godzina meczów: 15:00
Demografia: England: 41%
Sweden: 7%
Spain: 7%
Indonesia: 7%
Scotland: 7%
Zadania: Brak

Real Unathletic 68
MTK Budapest FC 67
MTK Budapest FC 66
MTK Budapest FC 65
MTK Budapest FC 64
MTK Budapest FC 63
Hereford FC 62
Real Unathletic 61
Barbarian Horde 60
Barbarian Horde 59
KB FC 58
Löderup 57
Real Unathletic 56
Barbarian Horde 55
Barbarian Horde 54
Barbarian Horde 53
Barbarian Horde 51
Real Unathletic 48
MTK Budapest FC 47
Barbarian Horde 46
Hereford FC 45
Barbarian Horde 44
Real Madrid FC 43
Barbarian Horde 42
Barbarian Horde 41
Hereford FC 40
Barbarian Horde 39
Barbarian Horde 38
Hereford FC 37
Barbarian Horde 36
Hereford FC 35
Hereford FC 34
Hereford FC 33
Hereford FC 32
Hereford FC 31
Hereford FC 30
Hereford FC 29
Hereford FC 27
Hereford FC 26
Hereford FC 24

Opis ligi:
Football Fanatics league was created in 2006, has now become Worldwide and is open to football fanatics male or female from anywhere in the world whatever your age. If you are a member you are expected to visit your team on a regular basis. If you are absent for any length of time usually 2 weeks you will be sent a reminder or if you show general lack of interest you may be inactivated. If you are going away on holiday or you have another good reason it would be appreciated if you would let me know.

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