Informacije lige - Romanian Dream
Glavna stranica: |
www.xperteleven.com/?lid=53838 |
Broj lige: |
53838 |
Administrator lige: |
Doors |
Asistent(i) lige: |
Ocena lige: |
Rang: |
Rang 456 |
Veština |
Prosečna starost: |
47 godina |
Broj timova: |
30 |
Aktivni timovi: |
30 |
VIP timovi: |
11 |
Datum osnivanja: |
2006-03-07 |
Datum početka sezone: |
2025-02-17 |
Datum kraja sezone: |
2025-06-18 |
Vrsta lige: |
Privatna liga (Muški) |
Sistem lige: |
1:2 |
Zone: |
2 |
Prljavi trikovi: |
Neaktivan |
Direktni transferi: |
Aktivan |
Promena imena igrača: |
Aktivan |
Dan odigravanja utakmice: |
Ponedeljkom i Četvrtkom |
Vreme odigravanja utakmice: |
18:30 |
Demografija: |
Romania: 33% Scotland: 17% England: 17% United States: 10% Austria: 3%
Potrebe: |
Nema nijedne! |
Opis lige
Noi cucerim lumea!
We conquer the world!
Aceasta este o liga internationala superba unde toti managerii sunt bineveniti!
This is a splendid international league where all managers are welcome!
30 de manageri in liga, sistemul ligii este 1:2 (RD, 1a, 1b), un meci pe saptamana (plus cel din cupa), 10 echipe in fiecare divizie.
2 cupe in fiecare sezon; prima in dubla mansa, a doua intr-o singura mansa.
30 managers in league, the system of league is 1:2 (RD, 1a, 1b), one match per week (plus the cup match), 10 teams per division.
2 cups per season; first cup in double round, the second in one round.
Distractii in liga:
- nu vindem droguri, doar bere;
- campionul da de baut la colegii de divizie;
- program flexibil la gradina zoologica;
- aruncatul cu pietre este permis si incurajat;
- daca nu aveti tinta buna chemati ajutoare;
- SRI-ul ligii interogheaza constant lumea;
- cand o sa castigati un trofeu va spunem si o poveste;
- daca nu castigati niciun trofeu va spunem 2;
- interviuri cu moartea poate obtine oricine;
- premiul "pana mea" se acorda saptamanal unui manager;
- cronica ligii e picanta si se serveste in sange;
- sangele vine tot de la cronicar;
- acele de împuns prietenii/dusmanii sunt gratuite;
- statisticile apar pe tavan in stil gotic;
- pastram curat locul de dat cu capul;
- daca nu aveti cap va imprumutam noi.
Fun in league:
- We do not sell drugs, just beer;
- Champion giving drink to fellow division;
- Flexible program at the zoo;
- Throwing stones is allowed and encouraged;
- If you do not have good target call for help;
- League's FBI constantly interrogates the world;
- When you will win a trophy we will tell you a story too;
- If you do not win any trophy will tell you two;
- Interviews with death anyone can get;
- Award "my feather" is given weekly to a manager;
- League's chronicle is spicy and served in blood;
- The blood comes also from chronicler;
- Needles for pierced friends / enemies are free;
- Statistics appear on ceiling in gothic style;
- Keep clean the place to hit with head;
- If you have no head we will lend you. |