Informacije lige - STM - Champion of Champions

Glavna stranica: Odsutan
Broj lige: 462393
Administrator lige: Andyanger
Asistent(i) lige:
Ocena lige:
Rang: Rang 68
Prosečna starost: 43 godina
Broj timova: 16 (AI Teams: 3)
Aktivni timovi: 16
VIP timovi: 14
Datum osnivanja: 2023-08-28
Datum početka sezone: 2025-02-10
Datum kraja sezone: 2025-05-24
Vrsta lige: Privatna liga (Muški)
Sistem lige: 1:1
Zone: 1
Prljavi trikovi: Neaktivan
Direktni transferi: Aktivan
Promena imena igrača: Aktivan
Dan odigravanja utakmice: Ponedeljkom i Petkom
Vreme odigravanja utakmice: 13:30
Demografija: England: 44%
Sweden: 25%
Ireland: 12%
Costa Rica: 6%
Malta: 6%
Potrebe: Nema nijedne!

Kerry United 4
Malta Spartans -CoC- 3
Malta Spartans -CoC- 2
Malta Spartans -CoC- 1

Opis lige
So many league winners, so many champions but who actually is the best? This is the league that answers that question.

Join from the start in this VIP only league!

Apply to join the STM Champion of Champions league and re-create your most adored Xpert team and prove you can do it again.

Oh and this league comes from the same STM stable that brought you the unique concept game that is 'Sack the Manager' so you know what that means...
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