League info - The Establishment Ladies VIP

Home page: Missing
LeagueID: 461975
League admin: Daisy_D
League assistants:
League rating:
Ranking: Ranked as number 55
Average age: 49 years
Number of teams: 24
Active teams: 24
VIP-teams: 24
Created: 2022-06-01
Season starts: 2025-02-10
Season ends: 2025-03-29
League type: Private league (Womens)
League system: 1:1
Divisions: 3
Dirty tricks: Not activated
Direct transfers: Activated
Player name changes: Activated
Match days: Mondays and Fridays
Match time: 21:00
Demography: England: 67%
Norway: 4%
South Africa: 4%
Romania: 4%
Portugal: 4%
Demands: There are none!

Southwark Park RWFC 16
Southwark Park RWFC 15
Mablethorpe United 14
Oxon Heifers 13
Sunny Surfers 12
Katzenjammer 11
Southwark Park RWFC 10
Southwark Park RWFC 9
Spice Girls 8
Spice Girls 7
Spice Girls 6
Spice Girls 5
Beta Kittens 4
Beta Kittens 3
Lupul la oi 2
Lupul la oi 1

League description:
Welcome to The Establishment Ladies VIP

The only restriction is that you have to be VIP. There will be 2 x League matches and 1 x Cup match per week.

All that I ask is that managers take care of their teams and let's all create some great competition, there is no pressure to be chatty in scribbles or forums, it's all about decent competition :)
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