Informacije lige - The Foaming Tankard

Glavna stranica: Odsutan
Broj lige: 461140
Administrator lige: Braggovic
Asistent(i) lige:
Ocena lige:
Rang: Rang 421
Prosečna starost: 38 godina
Broj timova: 10 (AI Teams: 2)
Aktivni timovi: 10
VIP timovi: 3
Datum osnivanja: 2020-09-11
Datum početka sezone: 2025-01-05
Datum kraja sezone: 2025-03-07
Vrsta lige: Privatna liga (Muški)
Sistem lige: 1:1
Zone: 1
Prljavi trikovi: Neaktivan
Direktni transferi: Aktivan
Promena imena igrača: Aktivan
Dan odigravanja utakmice: Četvrtkom i Nedeljom
Vreme odigravanja utakmice: 11:00
Demografija: England: 80%
Sweden: 20%
Potrebe: Nema nijedne!

Sutton Vesey 19
Boldmere Sex Panthers 18
Sutton Vesey 17
Follow Through FC 16
Onion Terror 15
Sutton Vesey 14
Brockley Lions 13
Sutton Vesey 12
Sutton Vesey 11
Sutton Vesey 10
Sutton Vesey 9
Brockley Lions 8
Wylde Green Predators 7
Wylde Green Predators 6
Brockley Lions 5
Brockley Lions 4
North Pole Strollers 3
Brockley Lions 2
Geoff Starkey Fan Club 1

Opis lige
Drink beer. Talk shyte. Drink more beer. Change your tictacs at the last minute. Play Xpert. Lose. Repeat.

Maybe you are good enough to lift The Foaming Tankard? I doubt it, but why not give it a go? What have you got to lose? Well, apart from the last remaining shreds of your dignity, that is.
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