League info - Div II Västra B

Home page: Missing
LeagueID: 359862
League admin: Blöt
League rating:
Ranking: Ranked as number 329
Average age: 46 years
Number of teams: 30 (AI Teams: 2)
Active teams: 30
VIP-teams: 5
Created: 2014-12-25
Season starts: 2024-07-24
Season ends: 2024-09-23
League type: Private league (Mens)
League system: 1:1
Divisions: 3
Dirty tricks: Not activated
Direct transfers: Activated
Player name changes: Activated
Match days: Wednesdays and Saturdays
Match time: 15:00
Demography: Sweden: 90%
Germany: 3%
United States: 3%
Malta: 3%
Demands: There are none!

IFK Ekwall 46
Kentucky FC 45
Kentucky FC 44
Real Leicester 43
Kentucky FC 42
Real Leicester 41
IFK Ekwall 40
Kentucky FC 39
IFK Ekwall 38
IFK Ekwall 37
FC Banket 36
Harvestadens BK 35
Kentucky FC 34
Kentucky FC 33
Kentucky FC 32
Kentucky FC 31
Kentucky FC 30
Harvestadens BK 29
IFK Ekwall 28
IFK Ekwall 27
IFK Ekwall 26
IFK Ekwall 25
IFK Ekwall 24
IFK Ekwall 23
FC Brød 22
FC Brød 21
Mexez BK 20
Kentucky FC 19
Harvestadens BK 18
De rosa hämnarna 17
Brickebackens IF 16
Brickebackens IF 15
Brickebackens IF 14
FC Oxhagen 13
Hallarna Heroes 12
De rosa hämnarna 11
FC Oxhagen 10
FC Oxhagen 9
Brickebackens IF 8
Brickebackens IF 7
Brickebackens IF 6
FC Oxhagen 5
Brickebackens IF 4
De rosa hämnarna 3
Brickebackens IF 2
Brickebackens IF 1

League description:
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