Informacia za ligata - Classic League

Glavna stranica:
LeagueID: 34463
Admin na ligata: Daisy_D
Asistentite na ligata:
Reitinga na ligata:
Klasirane: Klasiran na 947
Sredna vuzrast 46 godini
Nomer na otborite: 1016
Aktivni otbori 292
VIP-otbori: 129
Suzdadena: 2005-08-27
Sezona zapochva: 2024-12-22
Sezona svurshva: 2025-03-25
Tip na ligata: Xpert Liga (Maje)
Sistema na ligata: 1:2
Divizii: 7
Mrusni nomera: Ne e aktiviran
Direktni transferi: Ne e aktiviran
Smiana na imena: Ne e aktiviran
Dni za igra: Chetvurtak i Nedelia
Vreme na machovete: 18:30
Predvaritelno porachan VIP: 5x1 mesec, 2x3 meseci
Classic League (3 meseci)
Classic League Cup (3 meseci)
Demografia: England: 30%
Sweden: 17%
Portugal: 10%
Scotland: 4%
Spain: 4%
Uslovia: Niama nishto!

Traindrivers 67
Traindrivers 66
Traindrivers 65
Gibraltar FC 64
Generic FC 63
Stowmarket Town FC 62
Gibraltar FC 61
Stowmarket Town FC 60
Stowmarket Town FC 59
Llantwit Major Vets 58
Cloggies 57
FC Åkerstorp 56
FC Åkerstorp 55
FC Åkerstorp 54
FC Åkerstorp 53
FC Åkerstorp 52
FC Åkerstorp 51
Canta Libre 50
IF Björklöven 49
IF Björklöven 48
Ubik 47
FC Dustbowl 46
HardcoReis 45
Hapoel United 44
Book of Ecclesiastes 43
VBC Classic Iasi 42
Inter Mi Nan 41
Project Mayhem 40
Inter Mi Nan 39
Project Mayhem 38
Johnstone Wildcats 37
Das Wunderteam 36
Jammas AllStars 35
Wigan Pie Eaters 34
War Pigs 33
Gwarek Zabrze 32
RSD Alcala 31
Cloggies 30
Cloggies 29
Alpha Andromedae 28
Space Invaders 27
Hawkesy CBR 26
Project Mayhem 25
Lannister Lions 24
Lannister Lions 23
Project Mayhem 22
Real Zielona Góra 21
Hawkesy CBR 20
Hawkesy CBR 19
S.L Benfica 18
Das Wunderteam 17
Das Wunderteam 16
Ghost Raccoons 15
Ghost Raccoons 14
Preston NE 13
FCB Barcelona 12
Lannister Lions 11
FCB Barcelona 10
Tricolorul F.C. 8
Tricolorul F.C. 7
Xarilaou FC 6
Terr0ria 5
Sporting St. 4
AC Blues 3
Sporting St. 2
Wimbledon AFC 1

Opisanie na ligata:
This is an official Xpert league open for international managers. The champions in the Xpert leagues will qualify for the Xpert Champions League where all Xpert league champions fight for the ultimate title and a place in the Hall Of Fame. This league is part of the official league system at Xpert Eleven.

If you like an active, friendly community, come join the other Classico members in the forums and the scribble and extend that experience further. Welcome!
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