Info de liga - I.W Premier League

Página web:
ID de la liga: 34297
Administrador: Manmarshter
Puntuación de la liga:
Ranking: Posición número 618
Edad media: 46 años
Total equipos: 50 (AI Teams: 6)
Equipos activos: 50
Equipos VIP: 21
Fecha creación: 2005-08-24
Inicio temporada: 2025-02-18
Final temporada: 2025-06-19
Tipo de liga: Liga privada (Hombres)
Sistema de liga: 1:1
Divisiones: 5
Juego sucio: Desactivado
Transferencias directas: Activado
Cambio de nombre de jugadores: Activado
Días de partido: Martes y Viernes
Hora del partido: 14:00
Demografía: England: 44%
Scotland: 16%
Sweden: 14%
Spain: 4%
Portugal: 4%
Peticiones: No hay ninguno!

Descripción liga:
Highest Ranking 72 (07/07/09)
Highest League Rating 1356 (08/07/09)
Highest Skill Ranking 196 (20/06/12) 120 (03/03/15)

IW Premier 34297

league -
newspaper - The IW Premier Gazette on formerly (

Season 37 is all ready to kick off on the 1st January 2019. Since the league started with only six teams in season one, we have attracted so many new teams to the league, and they have seen what the league has to offer and are all dedicated active managers.

Very active league, fun banter, active press room, scribble, great competitiveness, all teams closely matched, all new teams boosted, and we have one 'one legged' cup and a second cup that starts as a 'two legged' cup but reduces to one leg towards the end of the season.

The league is now about to start its 37th season, so this shows this is a league that is here to stay. From a league starting with six work mates, it has expanded to a multi national league attracting managers from all over the globe which adds to the excitement and enjoyment of this league.

Genuinely good league with admin and assistants who will listen and help whenever required. League ranking and rating have reached a high point of a rating of 1356, and a ranking of 72, and we are striving to improve this even further in the future.

Take a look at the leagues, look at the teams and you will see how competitive this league is.

We look forward to hearing from you, and receiving your applications.
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