League info - LIGA ASILOR
Home page: |
LeagueID: |
284556 |
League admin: |
A14 |
League rating: |
Ranking: |
Ranked as number 850 |
Skill |
Average age: |
38 years |
Number of teams: |
10 |
Active teams: |
10 |
VIP-teams: |
1 |
Created: |
2012-11-03 |
Season starts: |
2025-03-02 |
Season ends: |
2025-05-02 |
League type: |
Private league (Mens) |
League system: |
1:1 |
Divisions: |
1 |
Dirty tricks: |
Not activated |
Direct transfers: |
Activated |
Player name changes: |
Activated |
Match days: |
Thursdays and Sundays |
Match time: |
18:00 |
Demography: |
Romania: 90%
Spain: 10%
Demands: |
There are none! |
League description:
Disperarea este o infrangere anticipata.
Cand vointa e mare, obstacolele sunt mici.
Daca-ti cunosti adversarul, poti castiga multe batalii, dar numai daca te cunosti pe tine poti castiga razboiul.
Meritul invinge, dar nu imediat.
cea mai buna clasare 31. 12 ian.2016
cel mai ridicat nivel de abilitate 47, pe data de 23 nov 2013 !! |