League info - International League

Home page: www.xperteleven.com/leagueInf...
LeagueID: 224453
League admin: Leezer19
League assistants:
League rating:
Ranking: Ranked as number 508
Average age: 61 years
Number of teams: 120 (AI Teams: 1)
Active teams: 118
VIP-teams: 38
Created: 2009-11-01
Season starts: 2024-11-19
Season ends: 2025-02-20
League type: Private league (Mens)
League system: 1:2
Divisions: 4
Dirty tricks: Not activated
Direct transfers: Not activated
Player name changes: Activated
Match days: Tuesdays and Fridays
Match time: 14:30
Demography: Spain: 32%
England: 20%
Portugal: 10%
Sweden: 6%
Norway: 4%
Demands: There are none!

F.C. Famalicão 53
Foley Park Flyers 52
Foley Park Flyers 51
Los Vengadores 50
Los Vengadores 49
Los Vengadores 48
Los Vengadores 47
Los Vengadores 46
Foley Park Flyers 45
Galacticos 45
Foley Park Flyers 44
Galacticos 44
Galacticos 43
Foley Park Flyers 43
Foley Park Flyers 42
AFC Ajax 42
Reapers 41
Foley Park Flyers 41
Reapers 40
Apulum Alba Iulia 40
Reapers 39
Apulum Alba Iulia 39
R.C.C. Churruca 38
C. A. Boca Juniors 38
R.C.C. Churruca 37
Invictus 37
Galacticos 36
Apulum Alba Iulia 36
Galacticos 35
Red Bull Barinas CF 35
Lincoln City 34
Seleccion Catalana FCF 34
Galacticos 34
R.C.C. Churruca 33
Southampton 33
C. A. Boca Juniors 33
The Lilywhites 33
Manchester City 33
R.C.C. Churruca 32
Invictus 32
Southampton 32
C. A. Boca Juniors 32
Manchester City 32
Lincoln City 31
Invictus 31
C. A. Boca Juniors 31
Manchester City 31
R.C.C. Churruca 30
C. A. Boca Juniors 30
Foley Park Flyers 30
Manchester City 30
AFC Ajax 30
Lincoln City 30
Invictus 29
Foley Park Flyers 29
Manchester City 29
Lincoln City 29
Manchester City 28
Red Saints 28
Southampton 28
Lincoln City 28
Class on Grass 28
Invictus 28
Foley Park Flyers 28
Southampton 27
Lincoln City 27
Class on Grass 27
Os Metralhas 27
Red Bull Barinas CF 27
Foley Park Flyers 27
Manchester City 27
GIF Sundsvall 27
Lincoln City 26
Class on Grass 26
Peñarol 26
Foley Park Flyers 26
Invictus 26
Class on Grass 26
Los Mataos CF 25
Class on Grass 25
FK Guttæne 25
Foley Park Flyers 25
GIF Sundsvall 25
Red Saints 25
Southampton 25
FK Guttæne 24
Foley Park Flyers 24
C.A. Talleres De Cba 24
GIF Sundsvall 24
Invictus 24
Sevilla City 24
Red Saints 24
Class on Grass 24
Lincoln City 24
Foley Park Flyers 23
Wolfsburg Sterne 23
911 Jahre 23
Class on Grass 23
Los Mataos CF 23
Liverpool F.C. 23
FK Guttæne 23
GIF Sundsvall 22
AFC Ajax 22
Sevilla City 22
FK Guttæne 22
Lincoln City 22
AFC Ajax 21
Röckstars 21
Csíkhágói Bikák 21
Wolfsburg Sterne 21
Foley Park Flyers 21
Wolfsburg Sterne 21
Rabat Ajax 20
Abdón Porte F.C. 20
Sevilla City 20
Ultimátum McGregor 20
R.C.C. Churruca 20
Apulum Alba Iulia 19
Csíkhágói Bikák 19
Ultimátum McGregor 19
F.C. Famalicão 19
Wolfsburg Sterne 19
Red Saints 19
R.C.C. Churruca 19
Abdón Porte F.C. 19
Stamford Bridge 18
911 Jahre 18
Seleccion Catalana FCF 18
Red Saints 18
Red Bull Romania F.C. 18
Lincoln City 18
Limoux Pieusse 18
Rabat Ajax 18
Csíkhágói Bikák 17
Red Saints 17
F.C. Famalicão 17
Red Bull Romania F.C. 17
FC Posh part of Croydon 17
Manchester City 17
PES Club Manager 17
F.C. Famalicão 16
Limoux Pieusse 16
AC Sportsman 16
Rabat Ajax 16
Abdón Porte F.C. 16
PES Club Manager 16
Stamford Bridge 16
Red Saints 15
Limoux Pieusse 15
South Coast Commuter 15
AC Sportsman 15
Rabat Ajax 15
PES Club Manager 15
Los Mataos CF 15
Southampton 15
F.C. Famalicão 15
Limoux Pieusse 14
Rabat Ajax 14
PES Club Manager 14
Invictus 14
Abdón Porte F.C. 14
Foley Park Flyers 14
Sporting S23 13
Rabat Ajax 13
Ultimátum McGregor 13
AC Sportsman 13
Abdón Porte F.C. 13
Los Mataos CF 13
Foley Park Flyers 13
Limoux Pieusse 13
South Coast Commuter 12
PES Club Manager 12
Invictus 12
Lincoln City 12
F.C. Famalicão 12
Limoux Pieusse 12
Rabat Ajax 12
Ultimátum McGregor 12
AFC Ajax 12
AC Sportsman 11
Lincoln City 11
Los Mataos CF 11
Röckstars 11
Limoux Pieusse 11
Catia Fútbol Club 11
Rabat Ajax 11
Invictus 10
Lincoln City 10
Los Mataos CF 10
Catia Fútbol Club 10
Manchester City 10
Milan AC 10
Ultimátum McGregor 10
AC Sportsman 10
Catia Fútbol Club 9
Manchester City 9
Wolfsburg Sterne 9
Os Metralhas 9
JB Sport 9
Ultimátum McGregor 9
Invictus 9
Lincoln City 9
Manchester City 8
JB Sport 8
The Lilywhites 8
Los Mataos CF 8
Sevilla City 7
Catia Fútbol Club 7
Wolfsburg Sterne 7
Os Metralhas 7
BeiraTejo FC 7
Sporting S23 7
Manchester City 7
911 Jahre 6
Os Metralhas 6
JB Sport 6
Sevilla City 6
C.A. Talleres De Cba 5
Rabat Ajax 5
Sevilla City 5
BeiraTejo FC 4
Los Mataos CF 4
S.S.C. Napoli 4
C.A. Talleres De Cba 4
Catia Fútbol Club 4
Limoux Pieusse 3
Sevilla City 3
Metal Rock Stars 3
AFC Ajax 3
Arsenal 2
Limoux Pieusse 2
911 Jahre 2
Rockford Lightnings 1

League description:
Best ranking: 39. High level league. First league with own points ranking. La primera con ranking por puntos propio.

Puntuación más alta: 1270 3/11/2017
Ranking más alto: 75 4/11/2017
Ranking según nivel 39 9/2/2017 Nivel 12

Ranking International League (11/11/2024)

Hall of Fame:
Managers activos / Actives managers

1.- Los Vengadores -> Leezer19 ---> 698 points (5 International League, 4 Champions, 3 Libertadores)
2.- Galacticos -> Jurgenlineker---> 624 points (5 International League, 4 Libertadores, 1 Champions)
3.- Ultimátum McGregor -> Millan719 ---> 614 points (4 Champions, 2 Libertadores)
4.- C.A. Boca Juniors -> Wolferoz ---> 601 points (1 International League, 1 Champions)
5.- Milan AC -> Cocofluffs ---> 457 points (2 Champions)
6.- Reapers -> Marga9 ---> 392 points (3 International League, 1 Champions)
7.- Invictus -> J23 ---> 303 points (2 Libertadores, 1 International League)
8.- The Lilywhites -> DeathSquad11 ---> 292 points (1 Champions, 1 Libertadores)
9.- Red Bull Barinas CF -> CarloselchuchoZ ---> 243 points (1 Champions, 2 Libertadores)
10.- Foley Park Flyers -> Throbbin ---> 227 points (2 International League)
11.- Peñarol 1960 -> Professore ---> 203 points
12.- The Anonymous -> OooARGooo ---> 202 points (1 Libertadores, 1 Champions)
13.- Lincoln City -> Paradox88 ---> 197 points
14.- Southampton -> Oneupfront ---> 195 points
15.- Rockford Lightnings -> Rabobank95 ---> 191 points (1 Libertadores)
16.- Limoux Pieusse -> Hector4 ---> 168 points
.- Class on Grass -> Murdoch11 ---> 168 points (1 Champions)
18.- Wolfsburg Sterne -> Ceddan74 ---> 163 points
.- F.C. Famalicão -> Famalicão ---> 163 points (1 International League)
20.- R.C.C. Churruca -> El_charlee ---> 153 points (1 Libertadores)
21.- Valencia CF -> Arturo1122 ---> 140 points
22.- Força -> Panuccio ---> 106 points
.- Crystal Palace FC 1979 -> Postenfrippe ---> 106 points
24.- Ipswich Town -> Tonester ---> 103 points (1 Champions)
25.- Liverpool F.C -> Stengen1 ---> 89 points
26.- South Coast Commuter -> ShaunL ---> 80 points
27.- Deptford -> Haldo ---> 78 points
28.- OSC LILLE-FLANDRES -> Heysista ---> 77 points
29.- Cork Celtic -> Markapp67 ---> 76 points
30.- CCD Punta del Este -> Oterini ---> 72 points
31.- FK Guttæne -> GFFK ---> 71 points
32.- Oza Juvenil -> Cachoperros ---> 66 points
33.- Spitfires -> Colin79 ---> 65 points
34.- AD Zidanes -> Abelen ---> 62 points
35.- Napoles -> Aralenorimaki ---> 51 points
36.- AC Sportsman -> RenRen ---> 49 points
37.- Os Metralhas -> NordlandII ---> 48 points
.- Academico de Viseu -> KMangion ---> 48 points
39.- Águilas de Moratalaz -> Jorge2 ---> 45 points
.- Bradford Park Avenue -> Bestpay ---> 45 points
41.- España -> Virginiac ---> 42 points
42.- Fleet Town FC -> Edpickett ---> 41 points
43.- Real Brigantia -> Capm ---> 40 points
44.- JB Sport -> Carlgar ---> 38 points
45.- London United -> PiggyWig ---> 37 points
46.- AFC Buenos Mayence -> Koogan ---> 36 points
.- Arsenal -> Wrooney10 ---> 36 points
.- BENFICAS -> JMIX ---> 36 points
49.- Turenki United -> Bamsenaattori ---> 35 points
.- Liverpool F.C. -> Francescolli ---> 35 points
51.- Chadcote Chieftains -> ColinDudley ---> 34 points
52.- Sampdoria -> Ivmic001 ---> 33 points
53.- Atlético Saavedra -> Marian9 ---> 32 points
.- Peñarol -> DanielC_ ---> 32 points
.- España -> 4rAy4 ---> 32 points
.- Vila Seca SC -> Ribcar ---> 32 points
.- Stamford Bridge -> Schlantz ---> 32 points
58.- Catia Fútbol Club -> Pabloide ---> 30 points
.- AFC Ajax -> Tuga.Pt ---> 30 points
60.- Almorrana Athletic -> Kalandraca ---> 27 points
.- Real Madrid CF -> Sanchy ---> 27 points
62.- Los Mataos CF -> Baloo.Cat ---> 25 points
63.- Bacufski team -> Cantigas ---> 24 points
64.- Sporting S23 -> Tombix ---> 23 points
65.- Cruyff´s Team -> Hazzor ---> 22 points
66.- f. c. barça -> Fbvarela ---> 21 points
67.- Sutton United -> Philmfc ---> 17 points
.- Abdón Porte F.C. -> AleCastroman ---> 17 points
69.- Belfast United -> Alonso88 ---> 16 points
70.- Lomas de Saavedra -> Lucas_capital ---> 15 points
.- Rockcliffe Rovers -> Jasonthebull ---> 15 points
72.- Barcelona FC -> Brettigio ---> 14 points
.- C.A. Banfield -> Cazadorceleste84 ---> 14 points
74.- C. D. Castellón -> Nociodino.ferrer ---> 12 points
75.- Red Mackem Fc -> Redmackem ---> 11 points
76.- Sporting -> SADIK90 ---> 10 points
.- Sliema Wanderers -> Zonk1969 ---> 10 points
78.- Rabat Ajax -> Giovan ---> 9 points
.- NIEVAS F.C. -> 1000LIO ---> 9 points
.- Apulum Alba Iulia -> FranMoralo ---> 9 points
.- S.S.C. Napoli -> Mameras ---> 9 points
82.- Invercargill FC -> ExiledBlue ---> 7 points
.- Atlético Paranaense -> Djaanii ---> 7 points
.- GIF Sundsvall -> Sgiffarn ---> 7 points
.- Shopitos Alistar -> Jkshop ---> 7 points
.- Olympique Rochelais sc -> Tinotinito ---> 7 points
.- F.C.Coria -> Hatuay ---> 7 points
.- Rock Apes -> Xaus ---> 7 points
89.- Sepsi OSK -> Zsolti27 ---> 5 points
.- REINO DE JAÉN FC -> Yuans ---> 5 points
.- Cruyff´s Team -> Chi_HijodelVient ---> 5 points
.- Manchester City -> Patrik88 ---> 5 points
.- Red Bull Romania F.C. -> ET_WENGER ---> 5 points
.- Nottingham Forest FC -> Ruben444 ---> 5 points
.- TEDAX Bomb Squad -> Treeonakind ---> 5 points
.- C. Nacional de F. -> Nicobelen ---> 5 points
.- FC Shakhtar Donetsk -> Lucky2011 ---> 5 points
98.- Big Leon F.C. -> 1x2 ---> 4 points
.- Red Saints -> El_snygging ---> 4 points
.- Two tree Island -> Charlestown ---> 4 points
.- Monet -> Makina_10 ---> 4 points
.- C.A. Talleres De Cba -> Jmurra ---> 4 points
.- Seleccion Catalana FCF -> Toni1jm ---> 4 points
.- Olympique Lyonnais -> Mightystorm ---> 4 points
105.- Tahume C.F. -> Dononofre ---> 3 points
.- Sevilla City -> Juncar ---> 3 points
107.- Bayer 04 Leverkusen F.C -> Keldiles ---> 2 points
.- Expert Team FC -> Pablo2514 ---> 2 points
.- Rosario Central -> Xavyzz ---> 2 points
.- Everton Football Club -> Freddie1878 ---> 2 points
.- CVSM -> Chihuahua_2 ---> 2 points
.- Carpetanos -> Malahierba ---> 2 points
.- Efesé FC -> Gaiiiolas1982 ---> 2 points
114.- Inbreeders -> Hellasverona ---> 1 point
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