Info ligue - Global Xperience

Page d'accueil: Aucun
ID de ligue: 182396
Admin. de ligue: Drakkon
Assistants de ligue
Évaluation de la ligue:
Classement: Classée comme nombre 350
Âge moyenne: 48 ans
Nombre d’équipes 56
Équipes actives: 56
Équipes VIP 40
Créée: 2008-11-07
Début de saison: 2025-01-31
Fin de saison: 2025-03-19
Type de la ligue: Ligues privée (Hommes)
Système de ligue: 1:1
Divisions: 7
Tricheries: Inactivé
Transferts directs: Activé
Changement des noms: Activé
Jours des matchs: Lundi et Vendredi
Heures des matchs: 21:00
VIP prépayé: 1x3 mois
Prix VIP:
Predictions season 90 (3 mois)
Démographie: England: 32%
Scotland: 16%
Australia: 12%
United States: 5%
Canada: 4%
Requests: Il n'y en a pas!

Kerrang Horizons 90
Kerrang Horizons 89
Zulu Warriors 88
Zulu Warriors 87
Tennis Legends 86
Tennis Legends 85
Tennis Legends 84
Tennis Legends 83
Tynecaster United 82
Brazil Nuts 81
The Great White Buffalo 81
Brazil Nuts 80
The Great White Buffalo 80
Brazil Nuts 79
The Great White Buffalo 79
Brazil Nuts 78
Varada Neles FC 78
The Great White Buffalo 77
The Great White Buffalo 76
The Great White Buffalo 75
Banzai Kamikaze 74
Varada Neles FC 73
Ports Authority FC 72
Varada Neles FC 72
Ports Authority FC 71
Varada Neles FC 71
Ports Authority FC 70
Banzai Kamikaze 70
Banzai Kamikaze 69
Albany Virginia 69
Banzai Kamikaze 68
Albany Virginia 68
Varada Neles FC 67
Brazil Nuts 67
Varada Neles FC 66
Brazil Nuts 66
Varada Neles FC 65
Roker Rockets 64
Roker Rockets 63
Banzai Kamikaze 62
Roker Rockets 62
Roker Rockets 61
Beach Boys 61
Varada Neles FC 60
Roker Rockets 60
Varada Neles FC 59
Ports Authority FC 59
Roker Rockets 58
Roker Rockets 57
Albany Virginia 56
Tynecaster United 56
Priory of Sion 55
Albany Virginia 55
Varada Neles FC 55
Antarctica 54
Varada Neles FC 54
The Great White Buffalo 54
Marcus Missiles 53
The Great White Buffalo 53
Marcus Missiles 52
The Great White Buffalo 52
Banzai Kamikaze 51
The Great White Buffalo 51
The Great White Buffalo 50
Beach Boys 50
The Great White Buffalo 49
The Great White Buffalo 48
The Great White Buffalo 46
Skerries United 45
Fiery Biscuits 45
Fiery Biscuits 44
Tennis Legends 43
Tennis Legends 42
The Mighty Ducks 42
Tennis Legends 41
Beach Boys 40
Tennis Legends 40
Tennis Legends 39
Tennis Legends 38
Tennis Legends 37
Tennis Legends 36
Fiery Biscuits 31
Tynecaster United 30
Tynecaster United 29
New Jock City 28
New Jock City 27
The Great White Buffalo 26
Beach Boys 26
The Great White Buffalo 25
Victorious Secret 24
The Great White Buffalo 22
Scotland 20
Victorious Secret 20
The Great White Buffalo 19
Scottish Wanderers 18
The Mighty Ducks 17
Scotland 17
The Mighty Ducks 16
The Great White Buffalo 15
The Great White Buffalo 14
Scotland 14
The Great White Buffalo 13
Victorious Secret 12
Priory of Sion 11
Scotland 9
Priory of Sion 8
Banzai Kamikaze 6
Ipswich Town 4
Scotland 4
Leeds United 2

Description de la ligue:
The Global Xperience has completed a merger with Best of the Best.and International Challenge
This will ensure competition through the new format of 7 divisions.
It will give us 56 teams:

Demographics to follow...

Europe: England x13, Ireland x 2, , Portugal x 2, Romania x 2, Scotland x 8, Sweden x3, Switzerland x2, Ukraine, 1x Finland.

Asia: Philippines .

America: Canada x2 & USA x2

Africa: Egypt

Oceania: Australia. NZ

Other countries that have taken part in the league:
Argentina, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritous Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Venezuela.

Benefit from an active new admin team.

VIP prizes for each division
Spontaneous competitions for free VIP

Make a difference - join GLOBAL XPERIENCE.and feel part of the World Family
© Xpert Eleven AB 2003 - 2025