Informacije lige - Owlstalk League

Glavna stranica:
Broj lige: 161283
Administrator lige: AndyOwl
Asistent(i) lige:
Ocena lige:
Rang: Rang 476
Prosečna starost: 48 godina
Broj timova: 44 (AI Teams: 2)
Aktivni timovi: 38
VIP timovi: 13
Datum osnivanja: 2008-06-11
Datum početka sezone: 2024-11-08
Datum kraja sezone: 2025-01-22
Vrsta lige: Privatna liga (Muški)
Sistem lige: 1:1
Zone: 4
Prljavi trikovi: Neaktivan
Direktni transferi: Aktivan
Promena imena igrača: Aktivan
Dan odigravanja utakmice: Utorkom i Petkom
Vreme odigravanja utakmice: 18:30
Obnova lige: Liga je obnovljena 2014-03-18
Demografija: England: 63%
Scotland: 13%
Sweden: 5%
Ireland: 3%
Wales: 3%
Potrebe: Nema nijedne!

Clownshoe fc 71
Combe Down Wanderers 70
Combe Down Wanderers 69
Combe Down Wanderers 68
Chansiri Out 67
Combe Down Wanderers 66
Combe Down Wanderers 65
The Good Ol Boys 64
Combe Down Wanderers 63
The Avengers. 62
Clownshoe fc 61
Clownshoe fc 60
Clownshoe fc 59
The Avengers. 58
Clownshoe fc 57
Clownshoe fc 56
Ben Dover Athletic 52
Ben Dover Athletic 50
Ben Dover Athletic 49
Mustang Fc 49
Hirstys Salopettes 47
The Avengers. 46
The Avengers. 45
The Avengers. 44
Hirstys Salopettes 43
Clrnc ÇF 42
The Avengers. 42
Hirstys Salopettes 41
Combe Down Wanderers 41
Wetwang Tigers 41
Hirstys Salopettes 40
Scotland 1314 40
Hirstys Salopettes 38
The Avengers. 37
Paradise City 37
Wetwang Tigers 37
Wetwang Tigers 36
Olive Groovers 35
Wetwang Tigers 35
Ben Dover Athletic 34
The Infidels 33
The Avengers. 29
The Avengers. 28
Clrnc ÇF 28
Clrnc ÇF 27
diamonds 27
The Avengers. 27
The Avengers. 26
Clrnc ÇF 26
The Avengers. 25
The Good Ol Boys 25
The Avengers. 24
Clrnc ÇF 23
The Avengers. 22
Inter Thepub 21
Clrnc ÇF 21
Clrnc ÇF 20
Inter Thepub 20
Clrnc ÇF 19
Inter Thepub 19
The Avengers. 12
The Avengers. 9
The Avengers. 8
Clrnc ÇF 8
The Avengers. 7
Chris Waddles Mullet 7
The Avengers. 6
Chris Waddles Mullet 6
Chris Waddles Mullet 5
Manchester City 2

Opis lige
A league for everyone!

Managers who fail to log in for more than four weeks will be sacked, unless the league admin is informed in advance.

Up The Owls!
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