O ligi - Barb Player Liga

Domača stran: xestats.com/138629/
IDlige: 138629
Admin lige: General2
Ocena lige:
Razvrstitev: Ocenjen kot številka 33
Poveprečna starost: 46 let
Število ekip: 24 (AI Teams: 1)
Aktivne ekipe: 24
VIP-ekipe: 16
Ustvarjeno: 2008-01-13
Začetek sezone: 2025-01-21
Konec sezone: 2025-03-09
Tip lige: Privatna liga (Moški)
Sistem lige: 1:1
Divizije: 3
Umazani triki: Ni aktivirano
Direktni transferji: Aktiviran
Sprememba imen: Aktiviran
Dnevi tekem: Torki in Sobote
Čas tekem: 19:30
Demografija: Serbia: 46%
Romania: 4%
Scotland: 4%
Montenegro: 4%
Nicaragua: 4%
Zahteve: Moraš biti član vsaj že od 6 mesecev

Botswana Defence Force 84
1860 Münch 83
1860 Münch 82
1860 Münch 81
1860 Münch 80
1860 Münch 79
Paris Saint Germain 78
Borussia Dortmund 09 77
Borussia Dortmund 09 76
Borussia Dortmund 09 75
Borussia Dortmund 09 74
Borussia Dortmund 09 73
Bayern Munchen 72
Paris Saint Germain 71
Club Atlético Independi 70
Boca Juniors 62
Boca Juniors 61
Ferencváros 60
Ferencváros 59
Boca Juniors 58
Seattle Sounders FC 57
Paris Saint Germain 55
Botswana Defence Force 53
Botswana Defence Force 52
Britpop All Stars 48
Ferencváros 45
Ferencváros 43
SC Corinthians Paulista 42
Bayern Munchen 41
Bayern Munchen 40
Bayern Munchen 39
Juventus 34
Britpop All Stars 28
Britpop All Stars 26
Botswana Defence Force 25
Britpop All Stars 24
Paris Saint Germain 23
Paris Saint Germain 22
CA River Plate 21
Paris Saint Germain 20
Britpop All Stars 16
Ferencváros 14
Britpop All Stars 13
Britpop All Stars 12
Ferencváros 9
Britpop All Stars 8
Britpop All Stars 6
Britpop All Stars 5

Opis lige:
Highest league rank/skill: 4


***** Sampioni / Champions *****

Metalac - 21 titles

Sissoko16, Neno4 - 6 titles

STRAHINJAAA - 5 titles

General2, Mojti-Piton - 4 titles

Easy_boy, Stenje, PunisherBg, Lanec, Kurupted, Muze_konza, Zlatni85 - 3 titles

Darkmyt, Betac1, Toro555, Jorgeburuchaga - 2 titles

Sabi96, Leotod, Boki22, Zikica1, TheBloodCountess, Ignotus13, DMSX11, Boza, ElSilentio - 1 title


Player Liga je sastavljena od veoma aktivnih i dobrih menadzera. Postati sampion je tesko, a jos je teze odbraniti tron.

Ukoliko ne dodjete na stranicu svog tima 10 dana, izgubicete tim.
Ako idete na odmor ili ste spreceni iz objektivnih razloga, kontaktirajte me mailom.

Ako ne vodite racuna o svom timu (razvijate igrace tipa : 29/4 i sl.) dobicete otkaz
Ako Vam je skil na kraju sezone 4 ili manji, dobicete otkaz.
Ako Vam se u toku sezone spusti na 1 ili 0 dobicete otkaz istog trenutka.
Ako igrate sa igracima van svojih pozicija dobicete upozorenje. Ako i posle toga odigrate sa igracima van svojih prirodnih pozicija dobicete otkaz.
Ako namestate meceve ili prodajete utakmice takodje Vam sledi otkaz. Imam alate za otkrivanje zlonamernih ljudi sklonih varanju pa bolje ne pokusavajte to ovde.

Ako na prijemnoj stranici nema slobodnog kluba, a zelite da nam se pridruzite, posaljite mi mail ili stanite na listu za cekanje. Jedini uslov je da izaberete ime postojeceg kluba (u fudbalskom svetu) a pri promeni imena igracima (vip clanovi) trudite se da imena budu realna.

Dobro dosli !!!



Forum, scribble and press releases are in Serbian language and a little bit of english. This league is fierce and competitive and if you like a good challenge, you're more than welcome to join!

You can write your press releases in English or whatever language is your native one.

You must take active care of your team.
You must not develop some crappy players (4 example : 29/4 etc) or you will be sacked.
You should log on and set the tactics for each match.
You must have players playing on other positions in the team (if not allrounders) or you will be sacked.
A manager skill below 4 at the end of a season means you haven't taken good care of your team and you will be sacked.
If you haven't logged on to your team for over a week, you will receive a reminder from the league admin. If you still don't log on, you may be inactivated.
When you plan on being away from X11 (e.g. studies or holiday) please let the league admin know on beforehand.

Real team names is a must here.

Managers are encouraged to participate in discussions but no personal insults will be accepted in the press, forum or scribble. The competition is tough, but those who put the time into their teams will be successful.

Welcome !!!
Player Liga je nastala 13.01.2008. Vec sutradan ligi je pristupio Barb (Nikola). Sve ostalo je istorija.
Izgubili smo sjajnog prijatelja i menadzera tog kobnog 23 marta 2010.
U Nikolinu cast liga se zove Barb Player Liga.
Pocivaj u miru i neka te andjeli cuvaju!

* logo lige napravio Easy_boy, u cast pokojnog Barba koji je koristio sliku Pamele kao avatar.
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