O ligi - Spartan League

Domača stran: Pogrešano
IDlige: 131280
Admin lige: Malcysson
Asistenti v ligi:
Ocena lige:
Razvrstitev: Ocenjen kot številka 432
Poveprečna starost: 41 let
Število ekip: 27 (AI Teams: 4)
Aktivne ekipe: 27
VIP-ekipe: 15
Ustvarjeno: 2007-11-22
Začetek sezone: 2025-01-17
Konec sezone: 2025-05-18
Tip lige: Privatna liga (Moški)
Sistem lige: 1:2
Divizije: 2
Umazani triki: Ni aktivirano
Direktni transferji: Aktiviran
Sprememba imen: Aktiviran
Dnevi tekem: Torki in Petki
Čas tekem: 20:00
Demografija: England: 52%
Sweden: 15%
Norway: 7%
Australia: 7%
Spain: 4%
Zahteve: Jih ni!

Feelhaila FC 56
Feelhaila FC 55
Feelhaila FC 54
Feelhaila FC 53
Slavius United 52
Slavius United 50
Slavius United 48
Slavius United 47
Slavius United 46
duckfords 30 yarders 45
duckfords 30 yarders 44
duckfords 30 yarders 43
Redcar Town 42
Feelhaila FC 41
Feelhaila FC 40
Feelhaila FC 39
Feelhaila FC 38
Feelhaila FC 37
Feelhaila FC 36
Tooting and Mitcham 34
Tooting and Mitcham 33
FC Bilbao 84 32
Malan FC 32
Black Panthers 31
Tooting and Mitcham 31
Ockendon Celtic 30
Feelhaila FC 30
Ockendon Celtic 29
Melbourne Rebels FC 28
Ockendon Celtic 27
Feelhaila FC 27
Black Panthers 26
Melbourne Rebels FC 25
Ockendon Celtic 25
Melbourne Rebels FC 24
Melbourne Rebels FC 23
Ockendon Celtic 23
Melbourne Rebels FC 22
Ockendon Celtic 22
Melbourne Rebels FC 21
Ockendon Celtic 20
Ockendon Celtic 19
Ockendon Celtic 18
duckfords 30 yarders 17
duckfords 30 yarders 16
Ockendon Celtic 15
Ockendon Celtic 14
Ockendon Celtic 13
Slavius United 13
Ockendon Celtic 12
Slavius United 12
AS Roma 11
Slavius United 9
Ockendon Celtic 9
Ockendon Celtic 8
Slavius United 7
Ockendon Celtic 6
Ockendon Celtic 5
Ockendon Celtic 4
Slavius United 4
Ockendon Celtic 3
Ockendon Celtic 2
Slavius United 2

Opis lige:
From humble beginnings, with 6 managers scraped together to just to get the ball rolling, the Spartan League, now starting its 35th season, continues to go from strength to strength!

This is a league for my friends, old and new, to compete against each other and see if they can walk the walk!

Currently with 32 active (some highly!) managers, the league is finally starting to make good progress up the rankings, thanks to the removing of non-committed managers, with the aim of getting bigger and better as the seasons progress.

All positions are currently occupied, but please feel free to mail should you wish to join the waiting list...
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