Informação da liga - Roy of the Rovers League

Home page: https://royoftheroversstorkyk...
ID da liga: 129073
Admin. da liga: CovWhiteBoy
Assistentes da liga:
Pontuação da liga:
Classificação: Posição número: 342
Média de idades: 55 anos
Número de equipas: 10
Equipas activas: 10
Equipas VIP: 10
Criada a: 2007-11-06
Época começa a: 2025-01-30
Época acaba a: 2025-04-01
Tipo de liga: Liga privada (Masculinas)
Sistema da liga: 1:1
Divisões: 1
Truques sujos: Desactivado
Transferências directas: Activo
Mudança de nomes: Activo
Dias dos jogos: Quintas-feiras e Domingos
Hora dos jogos: 21:00
VIP pré-comprado: 4x1 mês, 1x3 meses
Prémios VIP:
Roy of the Rovers League (3 meses)
Tiger Cup (1 mês)
Demografia: England: 70%
Canada: 10%
United States: 10%
Norway: 10%
Exigências: Não há nenhum!

Grimthorpe Rangers 81
Grimthorpe Rangers 80
Grimthorpe Rangers 79
Grimthorpe Rangers 78
Grimthorpe Rangers 77
Thistle United 76
Thistle United 75
Thistle United 74
Grimthorpe Rangers 73
Grimthorpe Rangers 72
Kingsbay 71
Grimthorpe Rangers 70
Grimthorpe Rangers 69
Grimthorpe Rangers 68
Grimthorpe Rangers 67
Grimthorpe Rangers 66
Grimthorpe Rangers 65
Grimthorpe Rangers 64
Kingsbay 63
Kingsbay 62
Grimthorpe Rangers 61
Grimthorpe Rangers 60
Thistle United 59
Thistle United 58
Kingsbay 57
Kingsbay 50
Melborough 49
Melborough 48
Melborough 47
Melborough 46
Melborough 45
Grimthorpe Rangers 44
Grimthorpe Rangers 43
Melborough 42
Highborough United 41
Melborough 40
Princes Park 39
Princes Park 38
Princes Park 37
Princes Park 34
South Dean 30
Grimthorpe Rangers 26
Grimthorpe Rangers 25
Grimthorpe Rangers 24
Princes Park 23
Grimthorpe Rangers 21
Princes Park 20
Princes Park 19
Barrow Park 7
Barrow Park 6
Princes Park 5
Barrow Park 4
Princes Park 3
Princes Park 2

Descrição da liga:
Roy of the Rovers league is a tribute to the 60's, 70's, 80's cult comic and features all the clubs that had storylines in the comic over the years.

Choose one of the teams (from the list below) that featured in the magazine or make one in keeping with the theme.

VIP Transfers
VIP Player name changes
NO Dirty tricks

There is no restriction for managers regarding country or ranking. However, we expect our managers to be fairly active and serious about the game, so if you're going to be absent from your team for a longer period, please let the admin or one of his assistants know so you won't be replaced from your team.


Barfield Albion
Barnbury City
Beechford Town
Blackton Wanderers
Brentville Albion
Dernham City
Grandon Town
Hullcastle Town
Longford Forest
Melchester City
Millside City
Selbridge Athletic
Sellfield United
Stambridge City
Stockbridge Town
Tynefield City
Wakeford Town
Westhampton City
- and any others that have been missed!
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