League info - House of Trouser

Home page: Missing
LeagueID: 94750
League admin: GregThorley
League assistants:
League rating:
Ranking: Ranked as number 56
Average age: 46 years
Number of teams: 71
Active teams: 70
VIP-teams: 47
Created: 2007-02-26
Season starts: 2025-01-30
Season ends: 2025-03-18
League type: Private league (Mens)
League system: 1:1
Divisions: 9
Dirty tricks: Not activated
Direct transfers: Activated
Player name changes: Activated
Match days: Thursdays and Sundays
Match time: 20:30
Pre-purchased VIP: 1x1 month
Fantasy League (1 month)
Demography: England: 63%
Scotland: 7%
Portugal: 7%
Malta: 4%
New Zealand: 3%
Demands: There are none!

L1V33V1L 104
L1V33V1L 103
Heartbeat FC 102
Heartbeat FC 101
Monster Madness 100
Pickles 99
Heartbeat FC 98
Pickles 97
FC National 96
FC National 95
FC National 94
FC National 93
L1V33V1L 92
L1V33V1L 91
L1V33V1L 90
Faubourg ReTreme 89
Faubourg ReTreme 88
Faubourg ReTreme 87
Faubourg ReTreme 86
L1V33V1L 85
Pickles 84
L1V33V1L 83
Pickles 82
Pickles 81
Heartbeat FC 80
Pickles 79
Pickles 78
L1V33V1L 77
L1V33V1L 76
L1V33V1L 75
Monster Madness 74
Monster Madness 73
Monster Madness 72
Monster Madness 71
Monster Madness 70
Monster Madness 69
Monster Madness 68
Monster Madness 67
Monster Madness 66
Monster Madness 65
Empire Of Dirt 64
Electric Seagulls 63
The Stuff Of Legends 62
The Stuff Of Legends 61
L1V33V1L 60
Monster Madness 59
unitedwecan 58
unitedwecan 57
unitedwecan 56
unitedwecan 55
The Stuff Of Legends 54
The Stuff Of Legends 53
FC Hollywood 52
The Stuff Of Legends 51
The Stuff Of Legends 50
The Stuff Of Legends 49
Electric Seagulls 46
Geordie Jeans 45
Electric Seagulls 44
Electric Seagulls 43
Electric Seagulls 42
Electric Seagulls 41
Electric Seagulls 40
RSole Bandits 39
Electric Seagulls 38
unitedwecan 37
Hades 36
Hades 35
Electric Seagulls 31
FC Hollywood 28
Electric Seagulls 27
RSole Bandits 22
RSole Bandits 21
RSole Bandits 20
unitedwecan 19
Leazes Lad 18
unitedwecan 17
RSole Bandits 16
Electric Seagulls 13
Electric Seagulls 12
Electric Seagulls 11
unitedwecan 10
The Stuff Of Legends 9
unitedwecan 7
unitedwecan 6
unitedwecan 5
unitedwecan 3
Electric Seagulls 2
Clun Valley Slackers 1

League description:
There are a host of leagues on X11 that you can join. But, if you want a league that is secure, competitive, and ultimately enjoyable, their numbers are occasionally in short supply. However, the HoT is one of these leagues. We clock up our 104th season next time out - it speaks for itself.

A league in which everyone finds their place almost immediately, there is a beautiful simplicity about how every manager becomes accustomed to the competition so quickly. It creates rivalries not just between opponents, but across leagues, as both personalities and managerial styles all clash in the name of the Beautiful Game.

That's not to say it's a battleground full of swearing and altercations, merely that, at its best this league has 72 managers all with a belief that their team can succeed and the ensuing exchanges are a huge part of making this league as excellent as it is. Having said that there has been some epic moments of controversy and rivalry that are still talked about years later.

The history of the HoT is built on active members, those who want to engage with a team and those around them, for most it's not purely an exercise in building a team (of course this is not outlawed), it's about being part of a league where it matters what happens, match days are filled with anticipation and not - as seems to be the norm - nonchalance.

This league exists on some very simple principles, that we will never become VIP Exclusive, we will never actively chase league rankings (although we naturally sit high in the rankings) and that there be a relaxed environment for managers to enjoy the competition and challenges they face. HoT was built on these traditions and there are many more that you will enjoy should you be part of a league that, to those who have invested time into it, is one of the best on X11.

Just ask any member what they think of the HoT. It's is not a clique, we love taking in new members, especially those who enjoy the banter.
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