Liga informasjon - STM - International Manager

Hjemmeside: Finnes ikke
LigaID: 462597
Liga-administrator: Andyanger
Liga poeng:
Plassering: Rangert som nummer 81
Gjennomsnittsalder: 34 år
Antall lag: 16 (AI Teams: 9)
Aktive lag: 16
VIP-lag: 8
Startet: 2024-04-10
Sesongen starter: 2024-12-16
Sesongen slutter: 2025-02-11
Ligatype: Privat liga (Menn)
Ligasystem: 1:2
Divisjoner: 1
Dirty tricks: Ikke aktivert
Direkte overganger: Aktivert
Endre spillernavn: Aktivert
Kampdager: Mandager og Fredager
Kamptid: 16:30
Demografi: Sweden: 62%
England: 25%
Ireland: 6%
Wales: 6%
Krav: Det finnes ingen!

England 3
England 2
England 1

Beskrivelse av ligaen:
International Manager is yet another unique concept game from the same team that created the iconic Sack the Manager!

Can you become an International Manager? Well to do that you will have to manage a club side to success to earn your chance, along the way you deal with a reserve team, compete with other managers including international managers, deal with a transfer window, International call-ups and...oh yes naturally the sack!

Come on this is STM!
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