Info ligue - NFL

Page d'accueil: Aucun
ID de ligue: 461461
Admin. de ligue: Joseshaw
Évaluation de la ligue:
Classement: Classée comme nombre 787
Âge moyenne: 42 ans
Nombre d’équipes 24 (AI Teams: 1)
Équipes actives: 23
Équipes VIP 9
Créée: 2021-03-24
Début de saison: 2024-11-09
Fin de saison: 2025-01-23
Type de la ligue: Ligues privée (Hommes)
Système de ligue: 1:1
Divisions: 2
Tricheries: Inactivé
Transferts directs: Activé
Changement des noms: Activé
Jours des matchs: Mercredis et Samedis
Heures des matchs: 16:00
Démographie: England: 43%
Sweden: 13%
United States: 13%
Romania: 9%
Scotland: 9%
Requests: Il n'y en a pas!

Arizona Cardinals 17
Arizona Cardinals 16
Arizona Cardinals 15
Arizona Cardinals 14
Arizona Cardinals 13
Arizona Cardinals 12
Cincinnati Bengals 11
Cincinnati Bengals 10
Arizona Cardinals 9
Arizona Cardinals 8
San Francisco 49ers 7
Denver Broncos 6
Denver Broncos 5
Denver Broncos 4
Denver Broncos 3
Cincinnati Bengals 2
Denver Broncos 1

Description de la ligue:
Hi and welcome to the NFL inspired Xpert11 league. We are currently open for applications for season 12.
The following teams are taken:

Los Angeles Chargers
Denver Broncos
Miami Dolphins
Dallas Cowboys
Chicago Bears
Arizona Cardinals
San Francisco 49ers
Cincinnati Bengals
New York Jets
Baltimore Ravens
Buffalo Bills
Carolina Panthers
Detroit Lions
Los Angeles Rams
Green Bay Packers
New York Giants
Seattle Seahawks
New Orleans Saints
Oakland Raiders
Pottsville Maroons

This is a friendly and competitive league where NFL teams are battling for the league win.

Friendlies in between seasons shall be played without man marking and winning bonus!

VIP members are allowed, and encouraged to change name on their players, as long as the player is a current or retired player of the NFL team.

VIP members are also allowed to buy and sell players to other VIP members for reasonable prices.
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