Informacia za ligata - VIP Glory League

Glavna stranica: Lipsva
LeagueID: 460162
Admin na ligata: Blackmagic1965
Reitinga na ligata:
Klasirane: Klasiran na 676
Sredna vuzrast 45 godini
Nomer na otborite: 24 (AI Teams: 1)
Aktivni otbori 24
VIP-otbori: 23
Suzdadena: 2019-06-08
Sezona zapochva: 2025-01-27
Sezona svurshva: 2025-03-15
Tip na ligata: Chastna liga (Maje)
Sistema na ligata: 1:1
Divizii: 3
Mrusni nomera: Ne e aktiviran
Direktni transferi: Aktiviran
Smiana na imena: Aktiviran
Dni za igra: Ponedelnik i Chetvurtak
Vreme na machovete: 10:30
Demografia: England: 50%
Sweden: 17%
Malta: 8%
Finland: 4%
Germany: 4%
Uslovia: Niama nishto!

AFC Wimbledon 28
AFC Wimbledon 27
AFC Wimbledon 26
AFC Wimbledon 25
Juventus Stanley 24
Total recall 23
Real Madrid 22
Real Madrid 21
Real Madrid 20
Real Madrid 19
Real Madrid 18
Bert and Albion 17
Real Madrid 16
Bert and Albion 15
Real Madrid 14
Bert and Albion 13
Bert and Albion 12
Bert and Albion 11
Bert and Albion 10
Bert and Albion 9
Bert and Albion 8
Marching Powder 7
Marching Powder 6
Marching Powder 5
Northern Empire 4
Marching Powder 3
Marching Powder 2
Thornbury Athletic 1

Opisanie na ligata:
About to enter its twenty first season, the VIP Glory League is the ultimate test for the world's greatest managers. With hugely competitive league and cup competitions and talented managers operating in all divisions, changes are rapid in this new and dynamic league, with power vacuums being created and filled all the time. Now is the time to get involved, and lead your team to Glory!
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